Articles and features
Record keeping in Scotland
Record keeping in Scotland
Time to read article: 5 mins
Dental Protection is frequently contacted by members who want to understand how long records should be retained by the practice. Read details on how long records should be retained.
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Articles and features
Changes to payslips for workers
Changes to payslips for workers
Time to read article: 3 mins
From 6 April 2019 itemised payslips need to be issued to workers. Croner, the HR and employment law specialists, provide guidance on how dental practices need to respond to this change
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News and updates
Celebrating the women of Dental Protection
Celebrating the women of Dental Protection
Time to read article: 7 mins
It’s International Women’s Day on 8 March and we wanted to introduce you to some of the wonderful women from around the world who work at Dental Protection, supporting members each and every day. We can’t mention all the amazing women working in the organisation, but here’s just a snapshot of some of our fantastic female employees.
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Dental Protection response to DHSC consultation on clinical negligence cover
Time to read article: 1 mins
The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) is seeking views about indemnity cover for dentists and other healthcare professionals who are not covered by any existing or proposed state-backed scheme, via an open consultation which closes on 28 February.
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Risk management masterclass for dental practitioners
Time to read article: 1 mins
As an experienced dental practitioner you will know all about the risk of complaints and litigation. This masterclass can reduce your risk by developing your communication skills and teaching you a range of practical techniques to improve your patient interactions.
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Ectopic canines – dentolegal challenges and how to avoid them
Time to read article: 3 mins
Every year, Dental Protection assists members in responding to complaints and claims where it is alleged that there was a failure to identify and appropriately manage ectopic canines. Successful defence of these claims relies heavily on the detail contained within the clinical records.
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Dentists without legal representation face tougher sanctions at GDC hearings
Time to read article: 3 mins
Articles and features
How to fall back in love with your dental career
How to fall back in love with your dental career
Time to read article: 2 mins
Working in dentistry has its ups and downs, so it’s important to do the things that help you stay happy at work.
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The cost of claims – control through proportionality
Time to read article: 3 mins
If you have ever been unfortunate enough to receive a letter of claim, you will be aware of how stressful the process can be. Another aspect is the often high sums of money involved. Stephen Preater, costs adviser at Dental Protection, is part of an expert in-house team that is dedicated to controlling the amounts sought by claimants
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Building resilience and avoiding burnout
Time to read article: 1 mins
The demand placed on modern clinicians means the possibility of burnout is growing significantly, impacting both the quality of care and potential increase in risk to patients. This workshop will help you recognise the signs of burnout and give you the knowledge and confidence to manage the symptoms, recover and prevent reoccurrence.
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Articles and features
Bridging the expectation gap
Bridging the expectation gap
Time to read article: 4 mins
Managing a patient’s expectations starts and finishes with good communication
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Articles and features
The role of receptionists: a legal commentary
The role of receptionists: a legal commentary
Time to read article: 3 mins
A recent Supreme Court decision has raised questions about the role of non-clinical staff in patient care. The judgment criticised the actions of a receptionist in an Accident and Emergency (A&E) department – Joseph McCaughley, litigation solicitor at Dental Protection, looks at the ramifications of the case
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MPS comments on the DHSC consultation on the regulation of clinical negligence indemnity cover
Time to read article: 1 mins
Articles and features
12 record keeping tips
12 record keeping tips
Time to read article: 2 mins
We have made a list of the things to remember when it comes to making and retaining good patient records.
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Oral cancer – making sure you’re #mouthaware
Time to read article: 6 mins
November is mouth cancer awareness month – a cancer that currently affects over 8,300 people a year in the UK, and resulted in 2,722 people in the UK losing their life in 2017. The number of people affected by mouth cancer has increased almost 50% in the last ten years
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Dentists urged to pay their Annual Retention Fee (ARF) by 31 December
Time to read article: 2 mins
Dental Protection urges dentists to pay their Annual Retention Fee (ARF) by 31 December to the General Dental Council (GDC) to avoid significant disruption to their practice and potential sanctions.
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Dental Protection urges Government to protect dentists from the rising cost of clinical negligence
Time to read article: 3 mins
Dental Protection survey reveals 9 in 10 dentists fear being sued by patients
Time to read article: 2 mins
Dental Protection judicial review successfully overturns GDC warning over minor driving offence
Time to read article: 2 mins
Dental Protection has successfully challenged the General Dental Council (GDC)’s decision in which the regulator tried to re-impose a warning on a dentist for a minor road traffic conviction.
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Articles and features
Grey areas in clinical decision-making
Grey areas in clinical decision-making
Time to read article: 6 mins
Robert Caplin, senior teaching fellow, King’s College London, looks at how properly weighing up the various factors in a decision can benefit both practitioner and patient.
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Articles and features
Reflection and risk management
Reflection and risk management
Time to read article: 3 mins
Dr Raj Rattan, Dental Director, discusses how to effectively reflect on clinical practice and its importance for risk management.
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Articles and features
Symbolic atonement
Symbolic atonement
Time to read article: 3 mins
When a patient complains, what are they trying to achieve – an apology, a remedy, an expression of sympathy or empathy, accountability or just revenge? Jane Merivale, head of policy and technical at Dental Protection, looks at when financial redress can be the correct course of action.
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A failed extraction handled appropriately
Time to read article: 2 mins
A lacerated cheek
Time to read article: 2 mins
A dentist received a letter of complaint from an elderly patient who had sustained a soft tissue injury to the lining of the left cheek during the restoration of a lower left third molar three months earlier.
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