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Celebrating the women of Dental Protection

Post date: 08/03/2019 | Time to read article: 7 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 15/03/2019

It’s International Women’s Day on 8 March and we wanted to introduce you to some of the wonderful women from around the world who work at Dental Protection, supporting members each and every day. We can’t mention all the amazing women working in the organisation, but here’s just a snapshot of some of our fantastic female employees. 

Professor Dame Jane Dacre

President of MPS CouncilDame Jane Dacre

As a woman, as a healthcare professional, and as the new President of MPS, I am delighted to be working in an organisation that welcomes women, especially on International Women’s Day.

Simrit Ryatt

International dentolegal consultant

Coming from a family of doctors, I was always going to be interested in healthcare. I qualified as a dentist in 2004 and went straight into general practice. I also worked part-time as a clinical teaching fellow at the University of Manchester Dental School. It was an honour to be able to influence, motivate and mentor the students.

Due the changing demographic of dentistry - with women making up nearly half of the NHS workforce - I believe it is important to have women representing Dental Protection. I truly believe we are on the cusp of something remarkable, where we will be in a gender balanced professional world, and I am proud to be a part of it.

Shauntel Ambrose

Dental presenter – South Africa

Shauntel Ambrose

Working for Dental Protection affords me the opportunity to meet some of the most inspiring people in the industry, to share perspectives and to offer colleagues gold standard and relevant updates in different aspects of communication-centred patient and practice management. 

I am passionate about dentistry and have spent my career gathering knowledge on how to better serve my patients. The desire for service excellence and patient-centred care was my main reason for joining Dental Protection nine years ago. Their standard of training for their facilitators is superb and it is a privilege to be associated with them.

Dental Protection has provided me with a sense of belonging, and at every level, I have had the privilege of meeting motivated and remarkable women- who are leading teams and strategies and driving education into the global marketplace.  

Rebecca Imrie

Regional director – Australia and New Zealand

Rebecca Imrie

I am Kiwi born and bred and hold a Bachelor of Applied Science majoring in Communications, and diplomas in both Business and Marketing. Prior to joining Dental Protection eight years ago, I spent my time working and leading in the professional services industry, including eleven years at a large Australasian law firm.

It is my job as regional director to fulfil the vision, strategy and values of Dental Protection in my region.  I am responsible for the local advisory and case management services to members and the regional operations of Dental Protection “down under”.

I have two beautiful daughters and an amazing partner at home, who makes it possible for me to be able to work in an international role at this level.

What is the best part of my job?  I get to work with incredibly talented people, both women and men, day-in and day-out.

Louise Eggleton

International dentolegal consultantLouise Eggleton

I was very proud to qualify as a dentist and am pleased to see the number of female dentists has steadily increased within the profession throughout the years to equal our male counterparts. I believe this has certainly been the driving force in shattering the historical stereotypes of what a ‘traditional dentist’ now means.

I am delighted my involvement in the profession has led me to the opportunity of working for Dental Protection as a dentolegal consultant. My role enables me to put the knowledge and experience I have gained over the years into providing support and advice to members.

Melanie Rowles

Director of claims delivery

Melanie Rowles

I joined the legal profession in 1983, when women in senior positions were a real rarity - I became a solicitor because I wanted to make a difference. Baroness Hale was a lecturer at Manchester University and she would visit Leeds University and was an inspiration to me.

My career has been fun and diverse and I am proud to work at Dental Protection, where we continue to strive to make a difference for members and through that, support them to provide healthcare around the world. Baroness Hale is the woman I look up to and she epitomises why women should be celebrated; read her bio and I defy you to disagree.

Maree Taylor

Marketing communications officer - Asia Pacific educational services

Maree Taylor

For over 16 years, my work in marketing and communications has helped organisations like Dental Protection tell their story. I’m passionate about developing communications that shares purpose and connects with audiences to satisfy their needs in a meaningful way. I believe good communications are one of the most important elements in any organisation. If our audience feels heard, they stick with us, and become loyal advocates for our work.

My role as marketing communications officer grants me the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse range of colleagues around the world. I’m thrilled to work alongside intelligent, talented and inspirational female colleagues, who actively make a difference in so many ways.

International Women’s Day is a time to reflect on progress, celebrate achievements and push for greater gender equality. We aren’t there yet – but if we amplify women’s voices, share stories, stand tall and learn from one another, we can move the needle towards a more balanced future.

Nancy Boodhoo

Head of dental service - Caribbean and Bermuda

Nancy Boodhoo

When I started at Dental Protection more than 30 years ago, it was unusual to be a woman, unlike today. My first position was as a dentolegal adviser dealing with UK matters.

A few years later I started to work in the international arena, in particular in the Caribbean. As I am from Guyana I was able to bring a more detailed knowledge of the region and culture.

Our work in the region progressed to include several government hospitals clinics and small practices. I have always continued to work as a clinician and I believe this has helped my role at Dental Protection.

At a time when there are as many female as male graduates in healthcare, it is important to have women who are active in the planning and implementation of the strategy in the organisation. This is just as important in the international arena.

Carrie Stewart-Wild

Project lead – Talent and DevelopmentCarrie Stewart-Wild

I started working at Dental Protection six years ago, initially joining as an adviser in our member operations department. Since then I have had the opportunity to develop through a range of roles, progressing to team leader, before moving into the Talent and Development team as a project lead and managing a training team which is focused on the ways in which we can enhance the service we provide to members.

It’s very rewarding to work somewhere that is so passionate about providing an exceptional level of service and support to all members, allowing them to carry out their roles with peace of mind and confidence.

I am proud to work for an organisation that supports the progression of women in their careers and has also continually encouraged me to enhance my skills and experience - I take pride in supporting everyone in my team to do the same.

Susie Sanderson

Dentolegal consultant

Susie SandersonI fell into dentistry by accident.  My relatives wanted to know what I was going to do when I grew up, and to stop the constant interrogation and without really knowing what it meant, I told them I was going to be a dentist.  And so it happened.  And I’m so pleased that it did.

Throughout my career I have enjoyed the community of dentistry.  We are largely good humoured, empathetic people who want to make a difference. I’m really a GDP through and through but I’ve had a very enjoyable portfolio career.

 In my current role as a dentolegal consultant, I love that every day is different.  We all work to our strengths, and our individual differences just make our profession the fabulous melting pot of success and achievement that it is. 

Lynley Mangin

Service delivery manager – Australia and New Zealand Lynley Mangin

I joined Dental Protection eight years ago in a corporate services role for the Brisbane office, and have seen that role expand and evolve, until late 2017, when it became Service Delivery Manager.

I studied IT at a time where the internet was dial-up to CompuServe, research involved actual books and solving technical problems required kilos of textbooks and finding the right bulletin board with the right expert.  I took a technical path through my degree, despite the view from some that women didn’t generally take up the technical majors.  Inspiration enough for me!  IT has been the backbone of my career ever since.

Some 25 years later, it is heartening to see the steady increase in the number of women in technical roles – I’m no longer one of half a dozen women in the room at tech events.

Jessica King

Claims operations support team leader

Jessica KingI started working at Dental Protection shortly after I returned from travelling around the world. I was offered a role as a team administrator during a time of big change and I saw it as a great opportunity to understand the business from an operations support perspective.

Within this role I was involved with different projects and system changes. I really enjoyed trying to streamline processes and taking on responsibility in different areas and it was at this time I developed an interest in management.

Dental Protection is very good at encouraging their colleagues to progress further, and provided me the opportunity to explore different career options. When a managerial role became available within the claims administration department I applied and was successful.

I love this job because it allows me to develop my interpersonal skills, my strategic thinking and also because it gives me the opportunity to make positive changes for members.

It’s important to celebrate women within this industry because it encourages not only me as a person, but other women to believe they can achieve anything they put their minds to.

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