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Contacting a dentolegal consultant

Our dentolegal advice service is open to members with urgent queries and dentolegal emergencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you encounter such an emergency please call 0800 561 9090.

Alternatively, you can submit your query using the form linked to below and one of our expert dental advisory team will respond as soon as possible.

In the interests of patient confidentiality, please do not include information in an email that would allow a patient to be identified.

Read our contact guidelines to help speed up your enquiry.

To view our dentolegal advice related FAQ click here.

Submit your dentolegal query

With the largest worldwide team of dentolegal experts, whatever your question, problem or dilemma, we are only ever a phone call away. 

Please browse our advice booklets including Handling the Media and our FAQs

Browse our dentolegal advice booklets

Advice booklets provide only a general overview of the topic and should not be relied upon as definitive guidance. 

If you are a Dental Protection member and you are facing an ethical or legal dilemma, contact an adviser.

View all advice booklets

Dental Protection offers press support for members

If you find yourself in the media spotlight please get in touch and we can provide experienced advice and support, including liaising with journalists and providing statements on your behalf. 

We're available to help 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Find out more

Dentolegal advice FAQ

Does requesting advice affect my annual membership subscription?

We actively encourage members to contact us for advice to provide peace of mind and to help prevent a concern or problem escalating.

Dental Protection does not use the number of requests for advice as part of its risk assessment of a member. This includes determining their membership subscription.

In exceptional cases, where a request for advice involves facts or circumstances of a highly unusual or unique nature it might trigger a general review of an individual’s risk profile. However, we stress that this would be very unusual.

So, if you want to discuss a dentolegal issue or need advice on how to prevent a concern or problem escalating, please do let us know - we are only a phone call away.

I'm worried about something that's happened. Can I talk to Dental Protection about it?

If you are concerned about any issue or incident which has occurred in your capacity as a dentist or dental care professional, we would encourage you to get in touch immediately to ask our advice. There is no stigma attached to seeking guidance or support, and we would rather you asked for help in time to avoid a problem instead of waiting and hoping for the best, only to find yourself in greater difficulties later.

Will you still help me if I leave Dental Protection?

Where you are eligible for Dental Protection’s occurrence-based protection you can seek assistance for any complaint or claim arising from an adverse incident that took place during membership of Dental Protection – even if it is brought years later, or if you have long since left membership. Occurrence-based protection means you do not need to make any further arrangements for long-term protection after your membership ends.

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