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Articles and features 14/05/2015

My working life by GP celeb Dr Phil Hammond

My working life by GP celeb Dr Phil Hammond

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I’ve had a portfolio career since 1990, and do different jobs every day. I currently work as an associate specialist in an NHS paediatric chronic fatigue service, a broadcaster for BBC Radio Bristol, an investigative journalist for Private Eye, a health writer for Reveal, The Times and Telegraph Men and an author, lecturer, campaigner and comedian. I manage it by compartmentalising my life, and winging it a lot (or as comedians call it, improvising).

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Factsheet 06/05/2015

Removing patients from the practice list

Removing patients from the practice list

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Removing patients from the practice list is an emotive issue, risking criticism from bodies such as the Ombudsman, the GMC and the media, and should only be used as a last resort. The reasons for removing a patient from the list can be varied, but it should not be in response to patients lodging a complaint or failing to comply with treatment. Nor should it be used purely because a patient is highly demanding, offers criticisms or questions his/her treatment.

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Case report 05/05/2015

Too much oxygen

Too much oxygen

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A baby was born by caesarean section at 27 weeks gestation with a birth weight of 980grams. The baby was intubated, ventilated and endotracheal surfactant was administered.

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Case report 05/05/2015

A problem with polyps

A problem with polyps

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Mr S was a 35-year-old taxi driver who was visiting his extended family abroad. While he was there he decided to have a routine health check in a private clinic. He told the doctor in the health clinic that he had noticed some rectal bleeding over the previous four months.

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Factsheet 27/04/2015

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

Dealing with non-compliant patients - Wales

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A doctor’s primary concern is to do their best for their patients; this includes giving advice and treatment, and arranging investigations in accordance with the current evidence base and the patient’s best interests.

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Articles and features 22/04/2015

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

Your practice staff indemnity questions answered

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We get a number of queries about indemnity requirements for practice staff. Here are answers to two of our most commonly asked questions.

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Articles and features 06/04/2015

Risks of telephone consultations

Risks of telephone consultations

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Consulting on the telephone requires a different skill-set, relying on common sense and improvisation. Learning how to do this effectively is necessary to safeguard patients and your professional position, says GP and popular author Dr Tony Males

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Tackling common problems for new GPs

Tackling common problems for new GPs

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MPS medicolegal adviser Dr Pallavi Bradshaw joins a panel of experts at Pulse magazine, to share advice on common dilemmas encountered by newly-qualified GPs.

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NHS England launches digital platform for GPs to report incidents

NHS England launches digital platform for GPs to report incidents

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NHS England has launched a new digital platform designed for general practice staff to make it quick and easy to submit patient safety incident reports to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), the NHS’s national patient safety incident database.

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From the outside looking in

From the outside looking in

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One of the biggest hurdles for locums is actually being told about complaints. Here Terri Bonnici, general practice complaints manager, highlights the locum’s role in the complaints investigation process to reduce the risk of this happening

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