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Articles and features 09/10/2018

Ask the expert: Is a patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s co...

Ask the expert: Is a patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s confidential information?

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Is the patient’s son entitled to access his mother’s confidential information? Where a patient lacks capacity clinicians should consider what action is in the patient’s best interests.

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Case report 28/09/2018

Learning from allegations of sexual assault

Learning from allegations of sexual assault

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Gross negligence manslaughter is a topical issue in healthcare, but cases against doctors are still comparatively rare. Dr John Jolly, head of member risk education and Dr Richard Stacey, head of policy and technical, look at a more common cause of criminal cases brought against members of Medical Protection: sexual assault.

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Case report 21/09/2018

When is healthcare criminal?

When is healthcare criminal?

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The case of Dr Bawa-Garba and the resulting collision between the medical community and the criminal justice system, sent shockwaves around the world. Dr Richard Stacey, head of policy and technical at Medical Protection, analyses criminal cases handled by MPS in 2017 to gauge the likelihood of further charges of gross negligence manslaughter.

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Case report 12/09/2018

Injection errors

Injection errors

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A common cause of claims at Medical Protection is injection errors. While generally low in value, they frequently cause anxiety to patients and clinicians, and are easily avoided. Dr Dawn McGuire, Medical Claims Adviser at Medical Protection, looks at some typical cases.

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Articles and features 12/09/2018

Online prescription services: what if you disagree?

Online prescription services: what if you disagree?

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Online prescription services offer great convenience to patients, but they also come with risks. What do you do if one of your patients has been taking medication prescribed online that you do not think they require? Dr Marika Davies, senior medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, explores this issue.

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Articles and features 29/08/2018

Artificial intelligence: who’s liable?

Artificial intelligence: who’s liable?

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Advancements in medical technology can bring huge benefits for patients and clinicians alike – but new approaches can also mean new risks. Dr Helen Hartley, Head of Underwriting Policy at Medical Protection, looks at where the liability lies for artificial intelligence.

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News and updates 20/08/2018

Legal permission is no longer required to withdraw treatment in end o...

Legal permission is no longer required to withdraw treatment in end of life decisions

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Healthcare professionals do not need to seek Court approval when withdrawing treatment from patients in a permanent vegetative state, following a ruling by the Supreme Court.

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News and updates 20/08/2018

Dr Bawa-Garba: the real impact of appeal win

Dr Bawa-Garba: the real impact of appeal win

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Last week saw the welcome news that Dr Bawa-Garba’s legal team had successful appealed against her erasure from the medical register. Dr Rob Hendry, medical director at Medical Protection, looks at what this decision means for doctors, the courts and the GMC

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Case report 14/08/2018

The challenges of making a challenge

The challenges of making a challenge

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A patient’s solicitor sought disclosure of a GMC expert report after a case had been closed. Medical Protection successfully challenged this, only for the decision to be overturned at appeal. Kirsty Sharp, content editor at Medical Protection, looks at the challenges of making a challenge

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Articles and features 06/08/2018

Is my patient fit to fly?

Is my patient fit to fly?

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Now that the peak holiday season is upon us, GPs may find themselves asked to declare patients “fit to fly”. Dr Rachel Birch, medicolegal adviser at Medical Protection, presents two case scenarios, illustrating what GPs can do to support patients while minimising potential risks.

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News and updates 25/06/2018

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

GMC loses right to appeal – Medical Protection welcomes news

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In the latest development surrounding manslaughter in healthcare, the government has agreed to remove the GMC’s right to appeal decisions reached by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service (MPTS). This change follows ongoing campaigning by MPS, and Dr Rob Hendry, medical director at Medical Protection, says this is great news for the profession

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Articles and features 08/06/2018

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

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New data protection regulations came into force on 25 May and MPS is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations – correct redaction and anonymisation is one way that you can play your part in safeguarding data.

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Press release 02/05/2018

MPS works with NICE to revise cauda equina syndrome red flags

MPS works with NICE to revise cauda equina syndrome red flags

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has been instrumental in a revision to the NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries (CKS) red flag symptoms for cauda equina syndrome. The changes will help healthcare professionals diagnose the condition and make referrals earlier, enabling prevention of irreversible nerve damage and disability.

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Case report 16/04/2018

Delayed diagnosis

Delayed diagnosis

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Mrs F, a 30-year-old housewife, visited her GP, Dr O, with a four-week history of diarrhoea. Dr O arranged a stool sample for microscopy and culture (which was negative) and prescribed codeine. Four months later, Mrs F was still having diarrhoea, especially after meals, and she had started to notice some weight loss. She returned to the surgery and this time saw Dr P, who examined her and found nothing remarkable, but decided to refer her to gastroenterology in view of her persistent symptoms.

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