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There are many reasons why it is important that the honesty of a healthcare professional can be consistently relied upon.

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Personal conduct

Personal conduct

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There are many reasons why the personal conduct of a healthcare professional should be consistently of an appropriate standard.

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E-risks in dental practice communication

E-risks in dental practice communication

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R U E-AWARE? It is not always appreciated that these new forms of communication are required to conform to the same professional and ethical standards as the more traditional media.

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How dental graduates can avoid financial mistakes

How dental graduates can avoid financial mistakes

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This article explores five common financial pitfalls and gives tips of ways a newly qualified dentist can overcome them and explores the temptation of spending money unwisely.

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The road to dental graduation

The road to dental graduation

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Andrew Wilson recently graduated and he shares his experience in the lead up to that all important degree.

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Calling all final year dental students

Calling all final year dental students

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Christine Gordon, a dental student in her final year at the University of Sheffield, explores the possibilities of making the transition from undergraduate to foundation training an easier process.

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Time to read article: 7 mins
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Recent advances in endodontic instrument design and obturation techniques have made the outcome more predictable, but not guaranteed.

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Time to read article: 9 mins
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Being a dentist gives us many privileges. Perhaps the most important is the right to ask our patients questions of a confidential nature, and to expect truthful answers.

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Just relax. A guide to stress free exams

Just relax. A guide to stress free exams

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Ideas to help you through your exams in a relatively calm and relaxed manner, before you reach that final coffee and chocolate filled night of last-minute revision.

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A case study highlighting your professional responsibilities as a stu...

A case study highlighting your professional responsibilities as a student

Time to read article: 8 mins
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The week before the spring break was one not to be forgotten for the five dental students who shared a flat in a rough but economic part of town. Although the week had started perfectly normally things started to go downhill on Monday night

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Professional behaviour as a dental student

Professional behaviour as a dental student

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Recent guidance from the GDC has focused attention on to the professional behaviour that is expected from Dental students both in and out of dental school. You may not yet be qualified however your behaviour will be measured against standards that apply to the profession

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Starting out as a foundation dentist

Starting out as a foundation dentist

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Finbar O'Mahony reflects on his first six months in dental practice and gives advice on overcoming the challenges both in performing the dentistry and dealing with your patients.

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Getting through the VT minefield

Getting through the VT minefield

Time to read article: 7 mins
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General Dental Practice is an area of work that demands a complex set of skills and knowledge. Vocational Training (VT) in Scotland or Foundation Training (FT) in England and Wales is the established means of developing these skills in newly qualified dentists.

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Tempted to change the records?

Tempted to change the records?

Time to read article: 4 mins
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John Tiernan, Director of Educational Services at Dental Protection explains the importance of the original patient record when your clinical skills face a legal challenge and emphasises the consequences if a dental professional changes a clinical record in an attempt to cover up a mistake.

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Breaking point

Breaking point

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Moments arise in all of our lives when reactions occur or decisions are made in an instant but which will have repercussions for months or years to come.

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Tips on talking money

Tips on talking money

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Asking for payment, explaining costly treatments and broaching the subject of bad debts can all be difficult and unfamiliar in the early years of practice. Whilst at dental school, many undergraduates transform the business of asking for money almost into an art form; with the bank manager's direct line stored prominently in the mobile in case urgent funding for an emergency (such as an elective in Aruba) is instantly required! However, on graduating and moving into practice, some dentists find themselves feeling strangely uncomfortable when it comes to asking for payment.

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Don't let Dentistry cause you pain!

Don't let Dentistry cause you pain!

Time to read article: 3 mins
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A significant number of today's dentists experience musculoskeletal pain and are at risk of developing serious Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD's).

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Planning your careers in dentistry

Planning your careers in dentistry

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Leaving one dental practice and starting afresh is an exciting time, especially when you have a long career in front of you that is full of opportunities. It may therefore seem odd to be thinking about how you are going to leave a practice when some of you are only just beginning to settle in, but there are some important considerations to keep in mind for the future.

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Working for a dental corporate - Is it for you?

Working for a dental corporate - Is it for you?

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Corporate dentistry has taken an increasing share of the NHS dental market since the inception of nGDS in 2006. The largest player, IDH, has slowly and quietly acquired more and more practices and contracts.

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Eating well

Eating well

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Embarking on a new career is an exciting and challenging time, full of opportunities and demands. The learning curve is steep and we are anxious to prove ourselves, make friends and of course, maximise our social lives.

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Whistle Blowing

Whistle Blowing

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David Croser advises a cautious approach to ‘blowing the whistle’ on standards of dental treatment.

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