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CPD - a Curse Post Dental school?

CPD - a Curse Post Dental school?

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Most of us will have been in formal education for pretty much our whole lives, going from sixth form and college straight to four or five years of dental school.

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Stress. How you can overcome it

Stress. How you can overcome it

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Tim Newton was a speaker at the 2012 YDC conference. The Adult Dental Health Survey provides information on the common reasons for members of the public avoiding dental treatment...

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My year working in Maxillofacial surgery - was it worth it?

My year working in Maxillofacial surgery - was it worth it?

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I've now returned to general dental practice after completing a year in max fax. But it was only after leaving I realised that during the course of the whole year, I hadn't actually taken the time to reflect on why I wanted to do it and what I'd actually gained from it.

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Morality and decency

Morality and decency

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The public has a high expectation of the moral standards that should be maintained by anyone who employs a position of trust in society.

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My elective in Vanuata (South Pacific)

My elective in Vanuata (South Pacific)

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In May 2012 I travelled to Vanuatu, a South Pacific island situated between Australia and Fiji to volunteer dental treatment abroad.

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing; looking back at DF1/VT

Hindsight is a wonderful thing; looking back at DF1/VT

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So DF1/VT is over and my DF2/SHO begins.I wanted to share the thoughts I had during my first year as a qualified dentist, and hopefully give some advice I wish I had been given.

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Your first year - the other side

Your first year - the other side

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Surinder Poonian reflects on her first year and the many opportunities now available to the newly qualified dentist.

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A different dental graduates perspective

A different dental graduates perspective

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Andrew Fieldhouse makes a very positive statement in changing from an unsatisfying career path to achieving his dream of becoming a dentist.

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Full dentures

Full dentures

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Although new techniques and new materials are creating new opportunities, and new challenges for clinicians to meet and overcome - not to mention new dentolegal risks to deal with - there are still plenty of familiar 'old chestnuts' that crop up with monotonous frequency in claims and complaints against dentists.

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At first sight, respect for patients might seem to be just common sense behaviour, rather than one of the basic ethical principles by which the dental profession is bound.

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The self employed dentist

The self employed dentist

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Neil Morrison gives advice on making the change from salaried employment to self employment. Neil is a partner with Campbell Dallas LLP, Chartered Accountants - specialists in the Healthcare market.

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Dentists need patient feedback

Dentists need patient feedback

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Feedback may be either positive or negative but, either way, we can learn important lessons about our dentistry that are equally important.

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Audit on Doctors' assessment of Mental Capacity

Audit on Doctors' assessment of Mental Capacity

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Lauren's project won her 2nd prize in the Postgraduate category of the 2011 Dental Protection and Schülke Premier Awards.

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Crunch time for dentists

Crunch time for dentists

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Exploring the unseen risks of providing dental care in times of economic turmoil.

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Dentistry in Paradise

Dentistry in Paradise

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Fiona McDonnell (BDS Ncl) writes about her voluntary dentistry in the Cook Islands which she discovered was an extremely worthwhile experience.

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Going into private dental practice

Going into private dental practice

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There are many young practitioners who seem to think that working in private dentistry must be the equivalent of living in Utopia.

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There can be very few practitioners who have never been faced with a shocked and tearful child, who has just suffered an injury to their front teeth.

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Ecuador Dental Missionary Trip, Quito

Ecuador Dental Missionary Trip, Quito

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Francine Fletcher and Surrinder Poonian write about their ten day trip to Quito in Ecuador providing dental aid for the Dental Community Fellowship during March 2012.

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Third molars

Third molars

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Patients usually attend for removal of their 'wisdom teeth' fearing the worst.

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DF1 Reflections

DF1 Reflections

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Alex Holden gives advice on how a young dentist should handle themselves when embarking on a DF1 (Dental Foundation Training Year 1) scheme.

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Dental Community Fellowship Mission Trip Ecuador March 2012

Dental Community Fellowship Mission Trip Ecuador March 2012

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Francine Fletcher and Surinder Poonian write about their experiences working at the Dental Community Fellowship Mission as dentist volunteers abroad in Ecuador.

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Improving communications in the dental surgery

Improving communications in the dental surgery

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Are you giving your patients enough information? Whenever a new topic is discussed with a patient in the dental surgery, the bulk of the verbal discussion will be forgotten very quickly, almost 80%...

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