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Volunteering in Cambodia

Volunteering in Cambodia

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Ayesha Khan is a final year student at Leeds University and she hopes to qualify in 2014. This article focuses on her invaluable experiences gained from carrying out a dental volunteering placement in Cambodia.

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Starting work in a new practice

Starting work in a new practice

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Every new practice is an opportunity to gain new experiences, meet new patients, work with new professional colleagues, try different things and hopefully learn and develop in some way.

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Patient interest in obtaining a pleasing aesthetic result shows no signs of diminishing.

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Don't worry, don't panic, about complaints

Don't worry, don't panic, about complaints

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Raise your hand if you've ever had an unsatisfied patient. My guess is that everyone's got their hand up. If you haven't, unfortunately it will happen at some point.

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Community Dentistry

Community Dentistry

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Sarah graduated from the University of Leeds in 2012 she is currently undertaking a DF2 post in Primary Dental Care. Sarah says "I want to encourage others to consider a community position as a great deal can be learned and experienced."

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First encounters of the close kind

First encounters of the close kind

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It has long been recognised that there are particular risks associated with treating patients who we know little or nothing about.

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Allegations of overtreatment take many different forms, but the majority of such allegations imply an improper motive on the part of the clinician.

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Royal Flying Doctor Service in Rural Victoria

Royal Flying Doctor Service in Rural Victoria

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Jen Cheah is a 3rd year dental student from Victoria, Australia. His article tells of a dental student's experience into the wide world of rural and remote dentistry faced against the challenges and limitations of cultural barriers and a lack of electricity and water supply to overcome the dire oral health issues that face Mildura and Robinvale in rural and remote Victoria.

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Good Dentists Don't Drill

Good Dentists Don't Drill

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Alexandra Lyne (Lexy) qualified from Manchester University and is currently doing a DF1 year in London.

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Your own dental practice - the pros and cons

Your own dental practice - the pros and cons

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Thomas Coates is a Partner and Head of The Dental Team at LCF Law. In this article he explains the steps you should take if you are considering buying a dental practice.

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Working as a foundation dentist

Working as a foundation dentist

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After graduating from Cardiff University School of Dentistry I embarked on entering the big bad world of work.

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Treating children

Treating children

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When complaints involving dentistry for children do arise, their management is complicated by a number of factors over which the clinician has little or not control.

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An insight into the recruitment process of foundation training

An insight into the recruitment process of foundation training

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If you are applying for dental foundation training this year, read a personal perspective of the latest recruitment process, it's issues and how this may effect you.

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Catherine Sherlock - Dental Volunteering in Nepal

Catherine Sherlock - Dental Volunteering in Nepal

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Catherine spent two weeks volunteering in Nepal during 2012 with some of her friends, where they set up a dental camp which provided free dental care to rural communities that had little or no access to dentists before.

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Seven productive ways to spend your on-call hours

Seven productive ways to spend your on-call hours

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Michelle Middleton qualified from Birmingham Dental School in July 2012 with Honours and Distinction in Clinical Dentistry.

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A detailed history is an essential element in understanding the background to a patient's oral health and planning effectively for their present and future treatment.

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Opportunities During Foundation Training

Opportunities During Foundation Training

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Nelson Wan qualified from the University of Glasgow in 2013. He is part of the West 1 VT scheme and work as a Foundation Dental Practitioner (FDP) in Ayrshire and Arran in a mixed NHS/Independent/Denplan practice. He has interests in endodontics, restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry - especially short-term orthodontics.

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How to maximise your study leave during dental foundation training

How to maximise your study leave during dental foundation training

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In this article Michelle Middleton demonstrates some practical tips on how to maximise your study leave whilst still in dental foundation training to boost your dental career while you have extra time available.

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Volunteering in South Africa

Volunteering in South Africa

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Theesan Vedan studied at the University of The Western Cape in January 2013. He has since taken up a position as a Military Dentist for the South African Defence.

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Patient Management

Patient Management

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Theesan Vedan studied at the University of The Western Cape in January 2013 and has since taken up a position as a military dentist for the South African Defence.

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Keep patient complaints in-house

Keep patient complaints in-house

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When the General Dental Council (GDC) introduced its Dental Complaints Scheme for private patients, the profession was told that complaints were to be welcomed.

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