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Case study 02/11/2022

Lacerations claim goes to trial

Lacerations claim goes to trial

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Suzanne Tate, Litigation Solicitor at Dental Protection reports on a claim that involved the witness statement of the assisting dental nurse.

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Case study 11/07/2022

Apicectomy problem leads to excessive claim

Apicectomy problem leads to excessive claim

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Dawn Wood, Claims Negotiator at Dental Protection reports on a recent case whereby the claim was reduced and saved a significant amount of the member fund.

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Case study 11/07/2022

Tricky extraction leads to hospital admission

Tricky extraction leads to hospital admission

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Hashim Talbot, Litigation Solicitor at Dental Protection, explains how Dental Protection's legal team stepped in to assist a general dental practitioner when an extraction leads to a claim of clinical negligence.

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Articles and features 05/06/2020

An update on MRONJ – and the successful defence of a difficult claim

An update on MRONJ – and the successful defence of a difficult claim

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Helen Kaney, Dental Protection’s lead dentolegal consultant for Scotland, reports on the robust defence of a member in a complicated case several years in the making

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Press release 04/11/2019

Concern over dental regulator’s covert investigations

Concern over dental regulator’s covert investigations

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The leading protection organisation for dentists has said it is “disappointed and concerned” that the General Dental Council (GDC) is engaging in undercover investigations which are attempting to trick dentists into wrong-doing.

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Press release 12/08/2019

40% of claims costs relate to treatment started over ten years ago

40% of claims costs relate to treatment started over ten years ago

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New data published by Dental Protection reveals that almost 40% of its estimated annual claims costs in 2018 related to cases where treatment started ten or more years ago before the claim was made.

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Articles and features 09/08/2019

Understanding the effect of late reported claims

Understanding the effect of late reported claims

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Dr Yvonne Shaw, Head of Underwriting at Dental Protection, explains why when it comes to a defence organisation, you need to be thinking 25 years ahead

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Articles and features 21/12/2018

The cost of claims – control through proportionality

The cost of claims – control through proportionality

Time to read article: 3 mins
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If you have ever been unfortunate enough to receive a letter of claim, you will be aware of how stressful the process can be. Another aspect is the often high sums of money involved. Stephen Preater, costs adviser at Dental Protection, is part of an expert in-house team that is dedicated to controlling the amounts sought by claimants

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