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Press release 15/04/2015

94% of dentists believe GDC investigations increase stress and anxiety

94% of dentists believe GDC investigations increase stress and anxiety

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A Dental Protection survey of 140 members who have been investigated by the General Dental Council (GDC) reveals that 94% felt it had an impact on their stress and anxiety and 33% had considered leaving the profession because of the experience. The survey also showed that 76% believe the investigation impacted on their personal life and 71% felt it affected their health and wellbeing.

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Press release 02/03/2015

Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman consultation on principles...

Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman consultation on principles of good complaint handling

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The document Principles of Good Complaint Handling sets out the Ombudsman's views on the key principles of good complaints handling. Although the information contained within the document is largely factual in nature, a number of issues arise from it.

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Press release 19/02/2015

Failure to obtain consent is a top dentolegal risk, Dental Protection...

Failure to obtain consent is a top dentolegal risk, Dental Protection informs young dentists

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Failing to obtain patient consent before commencing treatment is one of the top risks for young dentists that can lead to patient litigation, Dr Raj Rattan, senior dentolegal consultant at Dental Protection, told delegates at the Young Dentist Conference this week.

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Articles and features 28/01/2015

Use of Local Anaesthetic and Fluoride by Dental Hygienists and Therap...

Use of Local Anaesthetic and Fluoride by Dental Hygienists and Therapists

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An injection of local anaesthetic or the provision of high concentration fluoride products are procedures that are controlled by the Medicines Act 1968 because they involve the use of prescription-only medicines (POMs). This means they can only be prescribed by a suitably qualified prescriber. The General Dental Council has no influence over this legislation and it is quite separate from the direct access regulations introduced in May 2013.

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Articles and features 19/01/2015

Complaints handling - quick facts

Complaints handling - quick facts

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When the practice receives a complaint it must acknowledge the complaint not later than 3 working days after the day on which it was received. At the same time, an offer must be made to discuss with the patient the handling of the complaint and the likely period for the investigation and response.

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Press release 12/01/2015

GDC consultation on indemnity rules

GDC consultation on indemnity rules

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Yes. In general, the arrangements outlined are reasonable and appropriate. However, the GDC should be aware that MDOs will be unable to be specific about the indemnity arrangements until registration has taken place and they are consequently able to be accepted as a member of that MDO.

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Articles and features 10/12/2014

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSA)

Snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSA)

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The role of the clinician continues to evolve in the provision of appliances either for the treatment of snoring or to assist in the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Syndrome (OSA). The most recent development is the inclusion of the role of the clinical dental technician (CDT) in the General Dental Council’s Scope of Practice document.

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Articles and features 08/12/2014

Tooth Whitening

Tooth Whitening

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The law relating to tooth whitening changed on 31 October 2012, effectively increasing the percentage of hydrogen peroxide contained or released in tooth whitening or bleaching products to 6%, subject to conditions which include first use by a dental practitioner or under their direct supervision and that the patient is 18 years of age or over.

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News and updates 02/12/2014

The Sensible Approach to Sharps

The Sensible Approach to Sharps

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On 11 May 2013, the Health and Safety (Sharp Instruments in Healthcare) "Regulations" 2013 took effect. The Regulations were made under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and they implement (in part) EC Directive 2010/32/EU as required under European law.

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Articles and features 02/12/2014

Automatic External Defibrillators - what to consider

Automatic External Defibrillators - what to consider

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The Resuscitation Council (UK) published a statement in July 2006 concerning the standards expected of dental practitioners and dental care professionals (DCPs) in general practice within the UK for the management of medical emergencies and resuscitation techniques.

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Articles and features 10/11/2014

GDC Standards for the Dental Team

GDC Standards for the Dental Team

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Standards for the Dental Team is published by the General Dental Council (GDC) and came into effect 30 September 2013. The document sets out the standards of conduct, performance and ethics that govern dental professionals in the United Kingdom. It specifies the principles, standards and guidance which apply to all members of the dental team, and also sets out what patients can expect from a dental professional.

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Articles and features 05/11/2014

Bleaching and Tooth Whitening by DCPs

Bleaching and Tooth Whitening by DCPs

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In 2008, the General Dental Council issued a press release in the wake of its Scope of Practice consultation which took place earlier that year. The GDC states: ‘Dental hygienists and dental therapists can carry out tooth whitening on the prescription of a dentist, if they have the necessary additional skills. Taking impressions to a dentist’s prescription, and making bleaching trays to a dentist’s prescription, are within the scope of additional skills for dental nurses.’

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Press release 03/11/2014

GDC consultation on proposed amendments to Fitness to Practise proced...

GDC consultation on proposed amendments to Fitness to Practise procedures

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Dental Protection broadly welcomes the proposals made in this consultation because we feel that a radical change of approach, and culture change, is needed within GDC fitness to practise (FtP) procedures. If in order to make the necessary culture changes, the proposed Section 60 Order is required, then we will support them. However, in order to ensure that these proposals have the intended impact the GDC must be committed to taking full advantage of these new powers.

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Press release 23/10/2014

Details of the fourteenth Premier Symposium announced!

Details of the fourteenth Premier Symposium announced!

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Dental Protection is pleased to announce the date for the fourteenth annual Premier Symposium. Organised by Dental Protection with schülke, the European leader in cross-infection control, this year’s Premier Symposium will take place on Saturday 29 November at The Shaw Theatre, Pullman St Pancras in London.

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Articles and features 19/09/2014

GDC standards Q&A - Principle 9 - Make sure your personal behaviour m...

GDC standards Q&A - Principle 9 - Make sure your personal behaviour maintains patients’ confidence in you and the dental profession

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Standard 9.1.2 says that I must not make disparaging remarks about another member of the dental team. What is meant by this?

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Press release 05/09/2014

GDC consultation on proposals to increase the annual retention fee

GDC consultation on proposals to increase the annual retention fee

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On this occasion the GDC has justified the unprecedented scale of the increase in the ARF primarily on the basis of the increase in the number of complaints that it has to deal with. In calculating its likely operating costs, the GDC has also predicted that this volume of incoming ‘complaints’ will continue to rise for the foreseeable future, and appears to have assumed that the number of Fitness to Practise (FtP) investigations will need to rise at least in proportion to this.

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Articles and features 31/08/2014

Recording dental pain

Recording dental pain

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Patients are often prompted to visit the dentist because they have been experiencing pain or discomfort.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Tooth surface loss

Tooth surface loss

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Not only is the prevalence of tooth surface loss (TSL) increasing, but clinicians increasingly find themselves facing criticism and challenges regarding its diagnosis and management.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Post-operative instructions

Post-operative instructions

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Sadly the dental surgery environment is not always conducive to effective communication. Often the dentist and other members of the dental team are dealing with a variety of patients, all with different needs, and they may be subject to severe time pressures.

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