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Case study 20/09/2018

An incorrect extraction

An incorrect extraction

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When the wrong tooth is removed, Dental Protection assisted a dentist in quickly contacting the patient over the error. Find out how this proactive approach helped avoid further action being taken.

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Case study 20/09/2018

The retained root and consent

The retained root and consent

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A retained root causes a patient complaint against a dentist. While Dental Protection supported him in rectifying the matter, issues were raised with his record-keeping – find out what learning points came out of this case.

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Advice booklet 07/08/2018

Handling the media - a guide for dentists

Handling the media - a guide for dentists

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Handling the Media - A Guide for Dentists has been designed to reflect members’ needs and the current press environment. The guide provides advice on the most effective way to respond to a journalist, from initial contact to providing a statement.

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Articles and features 08/06/2018

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

Redaction and anonymisation - doing your bit for data protection

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New data protection regulations came into force on 25 May and MPS is committed to fulfilling its legal obligations – correct redaction and anonymisation is one way that you can play your part in safeguarding data.

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Articles and features 06/06/2018

Reducing the risks of perio

Reducing the risks of perio

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Associate dentolegal consultant Andrew Walker explains how you can reduce your risk of periodontal claims and complaints

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

What to expect when the CQC inspect

What to expect when the CQC inspect

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The Care Quality Commission (CQC) has stated that it intends to inspect approximately 10% of dental providers and that it will not apply ratings following inspections.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

Support with CQC - Fundamental standards

Support with CQC - Fundamental standards

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Receiving and acting on complaints: a summary of complaints, responses, correspondence and other relevant information identified must be provided to CQC within 28 days of a request.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

Support with CQC - Duty of candour

Support with CQC - Duty of candour

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The duty of candour, which was introduced by the government through Regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, applies to dental practices from 1 April 2015.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

The CQC – What you need to know

The CQC – What you need to know

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All healthcare organisations that provide regulated activities have to register with the CQC. Here's a little background along with advice on who is affected and how to apply for registration.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

The NHS Complaints Regulations

The NHS Complaints Regulations

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The Local Authority Social Services & NHS Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 came into force on 1 April 2009 and introduced a revised procedure for the handling of complaints by local authorities, in respect of complaints about adult social care, and by NHS bodies, primary care providers and independent providers in respect of provision of NHS care.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

NHS complaints regulation - The Ombudsman

NHS complaints regulation - The Ombudsman

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The Ombudsman takes the view that complaints handling should be ‘Do it once do it right’. The Ombudsman will be looking for an appropriate, proportionate response which meets the principles of good complaints handling.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

NHS complaints regulations - what’s new?

NHS complaints regulations - what’s new?

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Patients who remain unhappy after local resolution is complete may request a review of their complaint by the Ombudsman. The person responding must inform the complainant of their right to take their complaint to the Ombudsman Health Service. Effectively what was a three-stage procedure is simplified into two stages.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

Record Keeping in Northern Ireland

Record Keeping in Northern Ireland

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Dental professionals are required to make and keep accurate dental records of care provided to patients, whether NHS or private. Dental Protection is frequently contacted by members who want to understand how long records should be retained by the practice.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

The HPPS Regulations 1996

The HPPS Regulations 1996

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The Health & Personal Social Services (Disciplinary Procedures) Regulations 1996 currently govern disciplinary proceedings in relation to family health practitioners, including dentists.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

The Regulation and Quality Improvement Authority

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The Regulation and Improvement Authority (Independent Healthcare) (Fees and Frequency of Inspections) (Amendment) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2011 came into effect on 1 April 2011.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

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Healthcare Improvement Scotland replaces the Scottish Commission for the Regulation of Care (the Care Commission)

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

Mental Capacity and Consent

Mental Capacity and Consent

Time to read article: 5 mins
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As dental professionals are aware, obtaining appropriate consent depends on providing patients with sufficient knowledge and information to allow them to make a decision.

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