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Articles and features 25/01/2017

Complaints Handling

Complaints Handling

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The key to complaints handling is a flexibility of approach. The complaints handling process should adapt to the needs of a patient and not the other way round. Although there is no single way to handle a complaint, there are some key steps that should always be considered...

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Press release 01/12/2016

MPS response to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland

MPS response to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland

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MPS welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s Oral Health Plan for Scotland. The consultation is wide ranging, and MPS confines its comments to a small number of questions pertinent to our role as a protection organisation serving dentists and other members of the dental team. Read the full response below.

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Articles and features 15/08/2016

Infection control

Infection control

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In addition to several references in the press to “dirty dentists” this is the month that the case of Dr D’Mello returned to the GDC. More importantly, when the case is reported in the national press it has the potential to suggest that dental surgeries may not be safe or that cross - infection standards have been disregarded. One way to avoid such suspicion is to share your infection control routines with your patients at an early stage when they first come for treatment; adopt an “open house” policy.

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News and updates 07/03/2016

Your antibiotic prophylaxis questions answered

Your antibiotic prophylaxis questions answered

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Here you can find some of the most common questions surrounding antibiotic prophylaxis, and read our advice on this and NICE guidance.

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Press release 02/03/2015

Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman consultation on principles...

Parliamentary & Health Services Ombudsman consultation on principles of good complaint handling

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The document Principles of Good Complaint Handling sets out the Ombudsman's views on the key principles of good complaints handling. Although the information contained within the document is largely factual in nature, a number of issues arise from it.

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Articles and features 19/01/2015

Complaints handling - quick facts

Complaints handling - quick facts

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When the practice receives a complaint it must acknowledge the complaint not later than 3 working days after the day on which it was received. At the same time, an offer must be made to discuss with the patient the handling of the complaint and the likely period for the investigation and response.

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Press release 12/01/2015

GDC consultation on indemnity rules

GDC consultation on indemnity rules

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Yes. In general, the arrangements outlined are reasonable and appropriate. However, the GDC should be aware that MDOs will be unable to be specific about the indemnity arrangements until registration has taken place and they are consequently able to be accepted as a member of that MDO.

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Articles and features 10/11/2014

GDC Standards for the Dental Team

GDC Standards for the Dental Team

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Standards for the Dental Team is published by the General Dental Council (GDC) and came into effect 30 September 2013. The document sets out the standards of conduct, performance and ethics that govern dental professionals in the United Kingdom. It specifies the principles, standards and guidance which apply to all members of the dental team, and also sets out what patients can expect from a dental professional.

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Press release 03/11/2014

GDC consultation on proposed amendments to Fitness to Practise proced...

GDC consultation on proposed amendments to Fitness to Practise procedures

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Dental Protection broadly welcomes the proposals made in this consultation because we feel that a radical change of approach, and culture change, is needed within GDC fitness to practise (FtP) procedures. If in order to make the necessary culture changes, the proposed Section 60 Order is required, then we will support them. However, in order to ensure that these proposals have the intended impact the GDC must be committed to taking full advantage of these new powers.

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Press release 05/09/2014

GDC consultation on proposals to increase the annual retention fee

GDC consultation on proposals to increase the annual retention fee

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On this occasion the GDC has justified the unprecedented scale of the increase in the ARF primarily on the basis of the increase in the number of complaints that it has to deal with. In calculating its likely operating costs, the GDC has also predicted that this volume of incoming ‘complaints’ will continue to rise for the foreseeable future, and appears to have assumed that the number of Fitness to Practise (FtP) investigations will need to rise at least in proportion to this.

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Articles and features 31/08/2014

Recording dental pain

Recording dental pain

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Patients are often prompted to visit the dentist because they have been experiencing pain or discomfort.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Tooth surface loss

Tooth surface loss

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Not only is the prevalence of tooth surface loss (TSL) increasing, but clinicians increasingly find themselves facing criticism and challenges regarding its diagnosis and management.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Post-operative instructions

Post-operative instructions

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Sadly the dental surgery environment is not always conducive to effective communication. Often the dentist and other members of the dental team are dealing with a variety of patients, all with different needs, and they may be subject to severe time pressures.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Co-operation & compliance

Co-operation & compliance

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There are many examples in clinical dentistry of treatment which is largely dependent upon the level of co-operation from the patient, and/or the degree to which the patient follows the advice and recommendations of the clinical team.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Monitoring early caries

Monitoring early caries

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New techniques, new materials and perhaps more importantly, a shift in treatment philosophies in recent years has led to a greater emphasis upon minimally interventive, preventive approaches to the management of the early carious lesion. In some key respects new technology has helped, and in other respects it has hindered, this process. In a dentolegal sense, the most likely allegation would be that the clinician failed to recognise, act upon and appropriately manage the small or early carious lesion and as a result it was allowed to develop, causing pain and suffering together with the cost and inconvenience of more extensive (and more expensive) treatment.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Periodontal monitoring

Periodontal monitoring

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People are living longer, and more people are retaining their teeth into later life. Consequently, the overall potential periodontal risk is rapidly increasing. Most allegations of undiagnosed, untreated and under-treated periodontal disease arise when a patient sees a new dentist for the first time. This may result from the retirement of the patient’s previous dentist, or simply because the dentist has left the practice. Sometimes the patient attends a different dentist in an emergency situation, or following the sale of the practice where they have been treated over many years.

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Articles and features 26/08/2014

Communications between dentists and technicians

Communications between dentists and technicians

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Dentists communicate with their technicians (and vice versa) in a variety of ways, and on a variety of subjects. Yet in the experience of Dental Protection, many valuable opportunities to improve the quality of these communications seem to be missed. Although there has to have been some dialogue, there is often little or no tangible evidence that this was so.

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Press release 04/08/2014

GDC consultation on ethical advertising

GDC consultation on ethical advertising

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When placing advertisements for services you provide as a registrant you must ensure that you adhere to the Councils ethical guidance Standards for Dental Professionals.

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