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Dental Protection is here to help you pack for your elective – don’t forget your toothbrush! 

Organising your elective can be exciting, but also a little bit stressful. We’ll let you decide which clothes to bring and which emergency snacks to stash away, but we’ve put together the following basic checklist for you to refer to when packing for your elective. This is by no means exhaustive, but there are some key things to remember.


Important documents to remember to take on your elective

  • Passport – double-check to make sure it will still be valid during your time abroad
  • Travel insurance and contact numbers (including embassy contacts, just in case)
  • Flight/boarding passes
  • Indemnity documentation from Dental Protection – to apply, simply log in to MyMPS and input when and where you are carrying out your elective. Once you’ve applied for elective protection, your elective certificate will be posted to you within 3 to 5 working days. Alternatively, you can request your certificate be emailed to you by contacting us at [email protected] 
  • Copy of correspondence with accepting institution.
  • a UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK GHIC)
  • A document with contact details for your:
1. Next of kin
2. Dental school contact
3. Destinations, including accommodation

4. Local organisations you may be working for.



Other items to pack for your elective

  • Student ID card and holder
  • Travel adaptors for the region you are working in
  • Mobile phone and charger
  • CDC Yellow Book 2020 (CDC’s Health Information for International Travel guide, which is published every two years)
  • Other relevant Oxford handbooks
  • International driving permit and driving licence, if applicable


Medical supplies - dependent on elective location

  • Malaria tablets
  • Medical pack (all in ones are good, available from high street chemists). Make sure they are sealed to aid you through customs.
  • All your relevant immunisations
  • Post-exposure HIV prophylaxis (PEP) kit
  • Plenty of oral rehydration sachets (buy them from your chemist)
  • Painkillers or anti-inflammatory tablets like Paracetamol or Ibuprofen 
  • Antiseptic cream 
  • Antihistamine cream/tablets
  • Sunscreen
  • Contraception
  • Some organisations may ask students to carry extra dental supplies and equipment. Remember to check any luggage restrictions in the places you’re travelling to.

That’s it – you are almost ready to go! Working abroad can be stressful, but with plenty of time planned in to make sure you have everything you need, your elective is sure to be an inspirational and fulfilling time during your studies.



Have fun on your trip, and should you need any help or advice while on your elective, we are just a phone call away. Get in touch on 0800 561 9000.

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