PSA report provides grounds for optimism for the GDC - says Dental Protection
Time to read article: 2 mins
Dental Protection believes the dental profession will be disappointed to see that the General Dental Council (GDC) remains at the bottom of the league table of UK healthcare regulators in the Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) 2014/15 Performance Review Report that accompanies the latest Annual Report and accounts of PSA. Although this is an unsatisfactory situation, Dental Protection is urging the GDC to act on the feedback and continue taking steps in a sensible direction.
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Would you like to rinse?
Time to read article: 2 mins
An innocent enough question but, when an adverse incident occurs, make sure the patient’s welfare is your main priority...
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Dental Protection responds to Which? report on NHS appointment availability
Time to read article: 1 mins
Further to the Which? report into NHS dental appointments, which has featured in national press this morning.
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Let's Talk About Mouth Cancer
Time to read article: 5 mins
Ewan MacKessack-Leitch graduated in 2011 from Dundee Dental School. Ewan is currently a CT2 in Paediatrics at Dundee Dental Hospital.
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Getting Your Teeth into Photography
Time to read article: 3 mins
Daniel is a first year longitudinal foundation dentist qualified from Newcastle University in 2014 and is currently working between York hospital and general dental practice.
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Reflections - A Powerful Tool for Your Professional Development
Time to read article: 4 mins
Ohsun Kwon graduated in 2013 from King's College London. After completing Dental Foundation Training last year, Ohsun is now working as a Dental Core Trainee in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department at Salisbury District Hospital.
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Working for a corporate; is it really that bad?
Time to read article: 3 mins
Adele graduated from Newcastle University in 2013 and has been working in general practice ever since. I have written this article to try and give an insight into my experience of working for a dental corporate, which can often be given a bad name.
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Oral Surgery: When to extract, extirpate or refer... the dilemma
Time to read article: 4 mins
Claire has written this article to share her experience of surgical extractions during her dental foundation training. She hopes that this will provide advice for newly qualified dentists when undertaking surgical extractions.
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The value of dental volunteering
Time to read article: 5 mins
Mary Connolly studied at the University of Sheffield and graduated in 2012. She has undertaken a two year foundation training scheme in Newcastle upon Tyne and is now over half way through a year as an SHO in oral and maxillofacial surgery at Sunderland.
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Reflection of a Foundation Trainee: Managing the Difficult Patient
Time to read article: 5 mins
Katy Martin studied at University of Sheffield and qualified in 2014. She is currently a foundation trainee in London on the UCL Eastman training scheme. Katie is starting a dental core training post in Thames Valley in September 2015.
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Volunteering in Malawi - The Warm Heart of Africa
Time to read article: 3 mins
Radhika Kotecha studied at the University of Manchester and graduated in 2013. She is currently working in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery department in Derby. Radhika has written this article to share her experience and inspire other young dentists to embark on a journey of a lifetime.
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Dental Volunteering in The Philippines
Time to read article: 3 mins
Veronica Pletiak completed her Bachelor of Oral Health at the University of Adelaide, Australia graduating in 2014. She has written this article to share her time volunteering overseas during her degree; she highlights the positive impact this opportunity can have on clinical skills.
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A Crash Guide to the DF1 Application
Time to read article: 6 mins
Reshma Ratansi is a Final Year dental student at King's College London, starting foundation training in London from September. This article provides a guide to applying students regarding what to expect and when, as a timeline. It breaks down the key components of the process and how to prepare, to make the entire application process less stressful.
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What to expect from your Dental Foundation Year 1
Time to read article: 3 mins
Basmal Ria and Emma Wates both studied dentistry at Kings College London and qualified July 2014. They wrote this article in the hope that their experiences so far in DFT could help future DFTs understand what to expect in their year to come.
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When things don't go to plan - dig deep!
Time to read article: 4 mins
Toyin studied at The University of Manchester and qualified in July 2014. She has written this article for both dental students and qualified dentists; to encourage them in difficult situations. She has used her own experience as an example of how to overcome challenges. It is a non-clinical article, but she feels it covers important issues which are often overlooked in this profession.
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Are dentists replacing the family doctor (GP)?
Time to read article: 2 mins
Sana Sadiq is a BDS3 student at King's College London, with a previous Masters in Chemistry, from Queen Mary University of London.
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Dental Students - from Cardiff to the Caribbean!
Time to read article: 5 mins
Joshua Brian Scaife is a fourth year dental student at Cardiff University. Joshua was elected to lead the annual volunteer trip working with the Global Brigades charity. This role involved organising and administrating a trip for twenty, fourth year students to Honduras to provide free dental care. Joshua has written this article to share his experiences and hopefully to inspire other dental students to take opportunities to use their valuable skills to help those in need across the world.
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Where Dentistry Meets Social Media
Time to read article: 5 mins
Scott Wright is a fourth year dental student currently studying at the University of Glasgow. His reason behind writing this article was to inform other students and young dentists about the impact social media can have on them both personally and professionally. Additionally Scott hopes to give professionals some advice regarding online activity.
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Graduating from university - beyond the final hurdle
Time to read article: 4 mins
Nadeem Rahim is a final year dental student at The University of Sheffield and will be starting Dental Foundation Training in September 2015 in Bedfordshire.This article is aimed at current dental students as an introduction to my experience of the transition from graduating from dental school to beginning dental foundation training.
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Simply the worst day of my practising life
Time to read article: 5 mins
Nobody gets up in the morning intending on harming someone, I know that, and I am no different.
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Fairer fitness to practise needed at GDC, says Dental Protection
Time to read article: 2 mins
The GDC needs to drastically improve its fitness to practise procedures after a survey by Dental Protection found that 94% of respondents had suffered stress and anxiety while being investigated – while we also raised concerns with the Health Select Committee that procedures are slow, disproportionate and, in some cases, unnecessary.
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Change is on the way
Time to read article: 1 mins
Dental Protection’s 2015 Annual Review, titled “Change”, will soon be sent to 66,000 members. The publication is a collaborative effort by 66 dento-legal advisers who serve members on five continents.
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94% of dentists believe GDC investigations increase stress and anxiety
Time to read article: 1 mins
A Dental Protection survey of 140 members who have been investigated by the General Dental Council (GDC) reveals that 94% felt it had an impact on their stress and anxiety and 33% had considered leaving the profession because of the experience. The survey also showed that 76% believe the investigation impacted on their personal life and 71% felt it affected their health and wellbeing.
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Oral surgery and the Extraction Crisis: What are we going to do about it?
Time to read article: 6 mins
Megan graduated from King's College London (GKT) in 2012. Since then she has worked in private and NHS practices in Essex. Megan is currently the young dentist representative for the Essex local BDA.
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