Stop, look and listen: Why effective listening is the clinician's most precious asset
Time to read article: 8 mins
Communication skills don't just involve choosing the right words to say, and saying them in the right order, and in the right way.
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My first 6 months in practice, general dentistry
Time to read article: 2 mins
It was only a little over a year ago that I realised I had successfully completed all the requirements and had reached my goal. I was finally a 'real dentist'.
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My life as a foundation dentist
Time to read article: 2 mins
Hussein Hassanali a Liverpool graduate, describes his first year out of dental school.
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Rise above the rest - a dentistry career in the RAF!
Time to read article: 2 mins
Flight Lieutenant Sam Stewart describes her career as a dental officer in the RAF. The RAF offer sponsorship to selected dental students through the five years at dentistry university.
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My first 6 months in practice
Time to read article: 2 mins
Mohammed Samad, a graduate from Dundee dental school, reflects on his first 6 months in practice and the ups and downs he experienced.
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Surviving Final Year
Time to read article: 2 mins
Hussein Hassanali a Liverpool dental school graduate, recalls his time as a final year dental student. Believe in yourself. The main thing is not to worry. Your tutors are there to help you; they want to see you graduate.
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Dentistry down under
Time to read article: 3 mins
Claire Dunbar considers the benefits of working abroad in Australia after graduation.
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My first day in dental practice
Time to read article: 2 mins
Finbar O'Mahony, a graduate from Cork dental school reflects on his very first day.
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Developing a relationship with the team
Time to read article: 2 mins
Mohammed Samad a Dundee dental school graduate, relfects on how important a team approach is to a young dentists career.
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The work/life balance
Time to read article: 4 mins
Hussein Hassanali shares his thoughts about the private and working life of a dentist, having recently completed his first year of dental practice.
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Developing a relationship with a new dental team
Time to read article: 3 mins
Dating websites have been increasing in quantity and popularity. Magazines post articles on every second page about making first impressions, how to dress, how to speak. This all points to one fact: its hard work meeting new people. Its an important occasion meeting potential partners you might live with for the rest of your life.
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How a dentist can deal with stress
Time to read article: 3 mins
Sami Stagnell, a graduate from KCL in London, reflects on how he deals with stress.
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Being a Dental Senior House Officer
Time to read article: 3 mins
Working in maxilla facial is quite a shock to the system from the word go. You have to act fast and learn faster. Hussein Hassanali, a graduate from Liverpool dental school, reflects on his year working as a dental SHO.
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Complaints and how to avoid them
Time to read article: 3 mins
Simon Gomersall a solicitor with Radcliffes LeBrasseurs, shares his experiences in the hope that others can learn from them.
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GDC consultation on proposals to increase the annual retention fee
On this occasion the GDC has justified the unprecedented scale of the increase in the ARF primarily on the basis of the increase in the number of complaints that it has to deal with. In calculating its likely operating costs, the GDC has also predicted that this volume of incoming ‘complaints’ will continue to rise for the foreseeable future, and appears to have assumed that the number of Fitness to Practise (FtP) investigations will need to rise at least in proportion to this.
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Interview tips and techniques
Time to read article: 4 mins
If you've managed to make it to the interview stage then well done, that's half the battle! To make it this far the recruiter has clearly seen something that they like from your CV/Application Form
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Clinical Governance - What is all the fuss about?
Time to read article: 3 mins
Charlotte Leigh graduated from the University of Leeds 2012 and currently completing DF1 in Essex.
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Office Etiquette
Office Etiquette
Time to read article: 4 mins
A young dentist discusses office etiquette, the challenges she faced and how to handle oneself in a working environment.
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Christmas Parties For Dental Practices - At what price?
Time to read article: 2 mins
Christmas is just around the corner. If your Practice is having a Christmas party, there are few things you might need to remember.
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Preparing for Dental Foundation year one
Time to read article: 2 mins
Amit Patel graduated from Leeds University in 2012. In this article he demonstrates some of the important practical steps you can take to ease the transition from University to general dental practice which can be used as a checklist before commencing your dental foundation training.
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Clinical records
Clinical records
Time to read article: 10 mins
Keeping proper records of the care and treatment we provide for our patients is an essential aspect of an overall duty of care.
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Accidental injury
Time to read article: 8 mins
Continual vigilance by the whole dental team, care in daily clinical routines and the avoidance of complacency, can prevent most accidental injuries.
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A guide to successful poster patient selection and presentation
Time to read article: 7 mins
Final year looming, exams stress starting to rise, revision is taking its toll, but there's one little itty bit more you need to prepare: the dreaded poster presentation!
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Foundation dentists in the community
Time to read article: 3 mins
'Rocks' may not be quite the answer that you expect when you ask a group of children the question; 'what can harm your teeth?'
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