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A case study highlighting your professional responsibilities as a stu...

A case study highlighting your professional responsibilities as a student

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The week before the spring break was one not to be forgotten for the five dental students who shared a flat in a rough but economic part of town. Although the week had started perfectly normally things started to go downhill on Monday night

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Professional behaviour as a dental student

Professional behaviour as a dental student

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Recent guidance from the GDC has focused attention on to the professional behaviour that is expected from Dental students both in and out of dental school. You may not yet be qualified however your behaviour will be measured against standards that apply to the profession

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Getting through the VT minefield

Getting through the VT minefield

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General Dental Practice is an area of work that demands a complex set of skills and knowledge. Vocational Training (VT) in Scotland or Foundation Training (FT) in England and Wales is the established means of developing these skills in newly qualified dentists.

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Tempted to change the records?

Tempted to change the records?

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John Tiernan, Director of Educational Services at Dental Protection explains the importance of the original patient record when your clinical skills face a legal challenge and emphasises the consequences if a dental professional changes a clinical record in an attempt to cover up a mistake.

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Breaking point

Breaking point

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Moments arise in all of our lives when reactions occur or decisions are made in an instant but which will have repercussions for months or years to come.

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Hints and tips from a graduate who's been there, done that, worn the...

Hints and tips from a graduate who's been there, done that, worn the T-shirt and got a job at the end of it all

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Hints and Tips Final year is a lot more relaxed than 4th year but still it doesn't mean that you don't need to do any work. Get your revision started in plenty of time as most of the clinics will not finish until half 4 or 5 so if you are on outreach then you won't get back home until quite a bit later. Time is precious so use it wisely.

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Articles and features 27/08/2014

Monitoring early caries

Monitoring early caries

Time to read article: 4 mins
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New techniques, new materials and perhaps more importantly, a shift in treatment philosophies in recent years has led to a greater emphasis upon minimally interventive, preventive approaches to the management of the early carious lesion. In some key respects new technology has helped, and in other respects it has hindered, this process. In a dentolegal sense, the most likely allegation would be that the clinician failed to recognise, act upon and appropriately manage the small or early carious lesion and as a result it was allowed to develop, causing pain and suffering together with the cost and inconvenience of more extensive (and more expensive) treatment.

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