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Articles and features 21/09/2018

Symbolic atonement

Symbolic atonement

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When a patient complains, what are they trying to achieve – an apology, a remedy, an expression of sympathy or empathy, accountability or just revenge? Jane Merivale, head of policy and technical at Dental Protection, looks at when financial redress can be the correct course of action.

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Case study 21/09/2018

A lacerated cheek

A lacerated cheek

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A dentist received a letter of complaint from an elderly patient who had sustained a soft tissue injury to the lining of the left cheek during the restoration of a lower left third molar three months earlier.

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Case study 20/09/2018

The retained root and consent

The retained root and consent

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A retained root causes a patient complaint against a dentist. While Dental Protection supported him in rectifying the matter, issues were raised with his record-keeping – find out what learning points came out of this case.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

The NHS Complaints Regulations

The NHS Complaints Regulations

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The Local Authority Social Services & NHS Complaints (England) Regulations 2009 came into force on 1 April 2009 and introduced a revised procedure for the handling of complaints by local authorities, in respect of complaints about adult social care, and by NHS bodies, primary care providers and independent providers in respect of provision of NHS care.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

NHS complaints regulation - The Ombudsman

NHS complaints regulation - The Ombudsman

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The Ombudsman takes the view that complaints handling should be ‘Do it once do it right’. The Ombudsman will be looking for an appropriate, proportionate response which meets the principles of good complaints handling.

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Articles and features 22/08/2017

NHS complaints regulations - what’s new?

NHS complaints regulations - what’s new?

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Patients who remain unhappy after local resolution is complete may request a review of their complaint by the Ombudsman. The person responding must inform the complainant of their right to take their complaint to the Ombudsman Health Service. Effectively what was a three-stage procedure is simplified into two stages.

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NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

NHS Scotland launches new complaints procedure

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The new NHS Scotland Complaints Handling Procedure places an emphasis on empowering all staff to resolve issues “on-the-spot” where they can. Primary Care service providers also have to make sure they record all complaints, even those resolved efficiently. Sara Dawson explores all the changes below

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Articles and features 25/01/2017

Complaints Handling

Complaints Handling

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The key to complaints handling is a flexibility of approach. The complaints handling process should adapt to the needs of a patient and not the other way round. Although there is no single way to handle a complaint, there are some key steps that should always be considered...

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Effective complaints handling

Effective complaints handling

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It’s fair to say that nobody likes to receive complaints, but our ability to respond to them constructively, and to learn any lessons that they provide for us, goes to the very heart of professionalism especially working in dental practice.

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Case study 11/05/2016

When work threatens to destroy your life

When work threatens to destroy your life

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I’m the sort of person that cares too much and becomes emotionally committed to my patients. While kind and caring patients appreciate this, when a patient sets out to destroy you it takes over your own life instead...

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Why Do People Complain?

Why Do People Complain?

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Natalie Bradley studied at Newcastle Dental School and qualified in June 2014. "I wrote this article based on a talk by Jane Merivale who talked at the FGDP Open Day" "it is an explanation of how complaints come about and how to manage them in practice."

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Articles and features 19/01/2015

Complaints handling - quick facts

Complaints handling - quick facts

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When the practice receives a complaint it must acknowledge the complaint not later than 3 working days after the day on which it was received. At the same time, an offer must be made to discuss with the patient the handling of the complaint and the likely period for the investigation and response.

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Complaints and how to avoid them

Complaints and how to avoid them

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Simon Gomersall a solicitor with Radcliffes LeBrasseurs, shares his experiences in the hope that others can learn from them.

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