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My first day in dental practice

Post date: 07/09/2014 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018


Finbar O'Mahony, a graduate from Cork dental school reflects on his very first day.

I began my journey as a newly qualified dentist with the West of Scotland scheme. At the induction day, all the new foundation dentists chatted eagerly about how our daybooks were looking for the next day. We all agreed that it had seemed like years since we had picked up a hand piece, and many worried that they would not remember how to do anything.

Most newly qualified dentists were observing their trainers for the morning and had maybe an exam or two with them in the afternoon. I had asked my trainer what was booked in but he wouldn't say. I had to wait.

I arrived half an hour early, all dressed up with shirt and tie trying to make a good impression. Next my nurse arrived and introduced herself. She was more than nice and offered to make me a cup of coffee, a luxury not heard of in dental school, but a ritual you get used to very quickly. Slowly the practice came to life. My trainer arrived and I asked him what my day was going to be like. With a large smile he told me that he has booked in two molar root treatments among other things for me. "Oh right" was my reaction. Hmmm ... molar endo! How do you do that again?

First problem, how do I put the chair up and down? Second problem where is everything? What's everyone's name? What happens at lunch time? The list of questions was endless. I changed into my new blue scrubs and waited with bated breath for that first patient. who duly arrived and left in no worse health, with all teeth intact. My trainer was a great help and booked most of the day off, to be with me. Everyone was really nice and the staff were very helpful. It was a relief to get over the first day but I looked forward to the second day. It was a steep learning curve but nothing I couldn't handle. Your first day as a newly qualified dentist quickly starts and finishes. Here are some tips for those on their first day in practice.


Advice for that dreaded first day:

  1. Don't stress too much about it. Everyone survives.
  2. Jump in with both feet and get stuck in from the very start.
  3. Don't worry about forgetting colleagues names. Everyone understands that you have new names to learn and they have only one new name to remember.
  4. Bring chocolates. Everyone likes chocolates.
  5. Dress smartly for the first day.
  6. Don't worry if you don't know something or just want a second opinion. That's what your trainer is there for.
  7. You will be surprised what you actually know.
  8. Expect to be exhausted afterwards.
  9. Be nice to your nurse. She knows a lot.
  10. Try to get into your surgery before your first day's work. Try to meet some of the staff and find out where things are kept.

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