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My first 6 months in practice, general dentistry

Post date: 07/09/2014 | Time to read article: 2 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018


It was only a little over a year ago that I realised I had successfully completed all the requirements and had reached my goal.  I was finally a 'real dentist'.

I remember feeling an array of emotions but most of all I felt relief!  After four years of undergraduate study and four years of dentistry, I was ready to take on the world. Past stresses seemed insignificant and a multitude of possibilities were before me. Having secured employment before graduation, I had not a care in the world, so treated myself to a vacation.

Reality, however, quickly resurfaced upon my return to Sydney. Some thoughts were trivial - such as what I would wear to work on my first day.

However, others were of a more serious nature - such as the repayment of my large international student debt and getting reliable transport. In entering the workforce for the first time I believe the most resonate thought was "Am I ready?"  Sure, I had done well throughout dental school, but after being under close supervision for years you cannot help but wonder how you will cope once the 'leash'  is removed.

I was extremely fortunate during my first year. I found diversity and mentorship. Working at two practices, one in a suburb just North-West of Sydney CBD and the other in a rural town in the Southern Highlands and tutoring in the Simulation Clinic at Sydney Dental Hospital one day a week turned out to be the perfect combination. The types of patients and the type of dentistry I did at both surgeries were very different to say the least; however, the mentorship I received at both was exactly the same - tremendous. 

As a new graduate I felt I had the basic skills but knowing that someone more experienced was available made an enormous difference. It made the work day less frightening at first and in turn helped me treat my patients with a higher level of confidence and skill. Whether the challenge was how to deal with a difficult patient, getting a second opinion on a radiograph or advice on a treatment plan for a more complex case - the guidance I received throughout my first year of practice was invaluable. It made my transition from student to clinician a smooth one.

As for my tutoring experience in restorative dentistry, being on the other side of the student-teacher relationship was very different, at times very challenging, but extremely rewarding. As supervisor, mentor and assessor, second year students were now turning to me for the answers just as I had turned to my tutors only months before! The experience gave me perspective and made me feel more confident in my dentistry skills.

Although a new graduate, I could meaningfully support the dental community and the university that had given me the opportunity to succeed.

Joining the dental community as a practising dentist is not a one way street.

As much as I owe my development to my mentors, I believe, as a new graduate, that I brought some important assets to their practice - knowledge of the latest technologies in dentistry, enthusiasm, motivation and creative, fresh ideas.

Although I have officially shed my 'New Graduate' status and have transitioned to a 'Recent Graduate' my learning is far from complete. I can only hope that I continue to acquire more knowledge and skills in the years to come with as much enthusiasm as my first.

Meredith Owen

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