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Management of dental pain

Post date: 31/05/2016 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 14/11/2018

Allocate sufficient time to form a diagnosis & record both the diagnosis and the treatment indicated in the patient’s record.

A general dental practitioner agreed to see a patient (male aged 70) at short notice, following a sleepless night with severe pain in the mandible. The patient’s dentition was sound with no visible swelling and no mobility whilst the x-ray showed no evidence of any pathology. The dentist prescribed a course of antibiotics and a strong analgesic, and invited the patient to return after five days. The appointment was not kept because in the meantime, the patient had suffered a stroke and was now hospitalised. 

The dentist had no diagnostic reason for prescribing antibiotics since he had not established a diagnosis for the pain which in this instance may well have been trigeminal neuralgia and an early indication of the stroke that followed. The patient made a reasonable recovery and the dental pain never reoccurred.

We know that the inflammatory process involved in pulpitis does not respond to antimicrobials, but will respond to an analgesic. On the other hand, the pain from an acute dental abscess will respond very quickly if the abscess can be drained regardless of any prescription that might subsequently be given. However the patient in question did not have a focus of infection to drain. In a busy dental surgery, it can be difficult to undertake the definitive treatment during an emergency appointment. The diagnosis is essential if the best use of antimicrobials and analgesics is to be achieved.

Learning point:

A flow chart for the management of acute pain may help ensure best practice in cases where the initial diagnosis is provisional. Reducing the escalation of antimicrobial resistance serves the best interest of patients and forms part of a bigger picture, in which clinicians are being asked to create a sea-change by reversing a worldwide problem that also constitutes a major threat to public health. Therein lies even greater success.

These case studies are based on real events and provided here as guidance. They do not constitute legal advice but are published to help members better understand how they might deal with certain situations. This is just one of the many benefits dental members enjoy as part of their subscription.

For more detailed advice on any issues, contact us

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