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GDC consultation on draft Investigating Committee indicative outcomes guidance

Post date: 30/10/2012 | Time to read article: 1 mins

The information within this article was correct at the time of publishing. Last updated 01/04/2019

DPL has, since the 2005 Amendment to the Dentists Act 1984 was introduced, been concerned that IC has not been fit for purpose and has produced a steady stream of inconsistent decisions. It has appeared to us that the members of the IC have not understood their role and the standards that they are legally required to apply. Therefore we welcome this latest attempt by GDC to introduce guidance to IC. Specifically we welcome the learning from previous cases although we would commend the use of consistent thought processes in considering cases, rather than a recipe book approach to decision making.

We trust that these guidelines will have sufficient flexibility to allow an individual IC to apply logical thought and common sense to a case, particularly where the individual respondent may not have any responsibility for the particular circumstances that have led to the investigation. 

View our full response below.

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