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Press release 01/11/2017

MPS: Legislation to deliver discount rate reform must progress swiftly

MPS: Legislation to deliver discount rate reform must progress swiftly

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The legislation that will pave the way for reform on how the discount rate is set, must be introduced to Parliament promptly to avoid the risk of clinical negligence costs becoming unsustainable, the Medical Protection Society (MPS) said today after its appearance at a Justice Select Committee.

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Articles and features 27/10/2017

Consent success

Consent success

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Top ten tips to assist foundation doctors when consenting a patient for a procedure

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Case report 26/10/2017

Lost opportunity

Lost opportunity

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Ms C, a 43-year-old smoker who was otherwise well, presented to her GP, Dr Q, complaining of a few days’ discoloration to the tip of her right index finger. She explained that her fingers had always felt cold and often turned white and went numb when she was outside.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Undescended testis

Undescended testis

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Baby LM was taken to see his GP, Dr E, for his six-week check. During this examination Dr E noted that his left testis was in the scrotum but his right testis was palpable in the canal. He asked LM’s mother to bring him back for review in a month.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Failure to follow specialist advice

Failure to follow specialist advice

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Following a hospital admission for status epilepticus, which was attributed to a previous cerebral insult, Mr G, a 35-year-old clerical officer, was started on an anticonvulsant regime of phenytoin and sodium valproate.

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Case report 26/10/2017

Problematic Anaesthetic

Problematic Anaesthetic

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Mrs B was a 57-year-old lady with a past history of breast cancer treated with mastectomy and adjuvant therapy. She re-presented to her consultant breast surgeon, Mr F, three years after the original surgery with a worrying 2cm lump in the vicinity of her mastectomy scar.

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Case report 26/10/2017

A hidden problem

A hidden problem

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Mr T, a 40-year-old accountant, attended a private health check under his employer’s healthcare scheme. Blood and protein were noted on urinalysis and his eGFR was found to be 45 ml/min/1.73 m2. He was asked to make an appointment with his GP and was given a letter highlighting the abnormal results to take with him.

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Case report 26/10/2017

A friend in need

A friend in need

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Ms N, a 33-year-old female accountant, presented to Mr X, a consultant orthopaedic surgeon, with severe lower back pain radiating to both legs.

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