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Mounting pressures on NHS services have made digital solutions inevitable, and NHS England expects all primary care patients to have the right to online consultations by April 2020 – but with new technology comes new risks. Dr Heidi Mounsey, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, advises on best practice
The GMC’s annual workforce report has found that high numbers of GPs are at risk of burnout, and 18% are considering leaving medicine entirely within the next year.
An obvious question to ask when people are unintentionally but avoidably harmed is: “why did things go wrong?” Professor Paul Bowie, Programme Director (Safety & Improvement) at NHS Education for Scotland, looks at how we can think differently about patient safety.
The focus on patient safety in healthcare is at the forefront of ensuring the provision of high quality healthcare.1 Diane Baylis, clinical risk educator at Medical Protection, tells us more about the concept of ‘never events’ and how they can improve patient safety.
Professional perspective: top tips when working with locum GPs
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Most practices will engage locum GPs at some point. In this article, Dr Mahibur Rahman, a portfolio GP and the medical director of Emedica, looks at some top tips for practices to consider from the perspective of a locum GP.
To ensure staffing needs are met, whether because of unexpected shortages or due to planned cover, the use of locums is commonplace in many general practices. Our employment law partner, Croner, looks at steps you can take to ensure a positive locum experience.
Doctors are under an obligation to co-operate with any coronial investigation, including attendance at an inquest if called to give evidence. Rachel Parker, case manager at Medical Protection, looks at the consequences of failing to attend an inquest
Existing Liabilities Scheme agreed for MPS general practice members in Wales
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Following extensive negotiations, Medical Protection Society (MPS) and the Welsh Government have reached an agreement that will ensure Medical Protection general practice members in Wales can turn to a state-backed scheme for help with clinical negligence claims no matter when in the future they become aware of a claim or how much that claim settles for.
Nearly three quarters of doctors surveyed in the UK say they will always come into work, even when they are too unwell, fatigued or stressed to be productive according to a leading medical protection organisation.
Senior clinicians appointed to lead Medical Protection Society
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Two leading clinicians, Dr Suzy Lishman CBE and Dr David Roytowski, have joined MPS Council, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience from across healthcare.
Urgent action needed to tackle burnout endemic in healthcare
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In its response to the Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) annual review of the regulator, MPS says more urgent action is needed, through a “simple and swift legislative measure”.
MPS “deeply concerned” at GMC’s continued right of appeal
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In its response to the Professional Standards Authority’s (PSA) annual review of the regulator, MPS says more urgent action is needed, through a “simple and swift legislative measure”.
Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?
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In a recent Medical Protection survey almost a third of doctors questioned were not comfortable discussing organ donation with a patient. With different laws across the UK and further changes imminent, this is maybe not surprising
Should I report that my patient is unfit to drive?
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Medical Protection advice line often receives queries from doctors concerned about patients that are driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Kate Cowan,
advisory case manager, shares our advice.
Situations where a doctor is both an employer and the treating clinician of a patient are problematic and should be avoided. Sarah Pickering, advisory case manager at Medical Protection, looks at a recent query from the advice line
Medical Protection successfully defends GP practice in fatal sepsis case
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Medical Protection litigation solicitor Suzanne Tate looks at a claim involving a missed diagnosis of sepsis and the work of Medical Protection in successfully defending seven GP members
Nine out of ten trainee doctors said they do not have someone at work solely responsible for staff wellbeing
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A Medical Protection survey of doctors has highlighted concerns about staff wellbeing, with junior doctors feeling the least prioritised by their line managers/partners.
Being subject to a complaint or investigation can be distressing and stressful. Our video series shows how Medical Protection will continue to provide you with personal support, advice and representation for a whole range of medicolegal concerns, protecting your career and reputation.
Our professional development courses are available when and where it suits you. From short online courses to face to-face-workshops, discover a range of CPD courses included in your membership.
Initiatives to transform the NHS are changing the way GPs and consultants work. At-scale arrangements are increasingly common and clinical contracts are frequently delivered through private organisations and limited companies.
Medical Protection can provide uniquely tailored indemnity and support that we can provide for your organisation and employees.
Read real-life cases of complaints, claims and clinical negligence taken from our archives.
Chosen to give you clear learning points to help you avoid similar situations and reduce your risk, the cases also feature advice from medicolegal experts.
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