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Press release 01/10/2015

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Concerned doctors reminded of thei...

Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Concerned doctors reminded of their duty of patient confidentiality

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Common situations where doctors seek advice from Medical Protection include requests for medical records by the police or social services, concerns raised by family or friends and being asked to provide a report on injuries.

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Factsheet 30/09/2015

Medical records - Scotland

Medical records - Scotland

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Good medical records – whether electronic or handwritten – are essential for the continuity of care of your patients. Adequate medical records enable you or somebody else to reconstruct the essential parts of each patient contact without reference to memory. They should therefore be comprehensive enough to allow a colleague to carry on where you left off.

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Factsheet 30/09/2015

Disclosures without consent - Scotland

Disclosures without consent - Scotland

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Certain circumstances can mean you are obliged to disclose information about a patient, even if you do not have their consent; under other circumstances, disclosure may be justifiable. This factsheet gives you further information about these circumstances.

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Factsheet 30/09/2015

Disclosures relating to patients unable to consent - Scotland

Disclosures relating to patients unable to consent - Scotland

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You owe a duty of confidentiality to all your patients, past or present, even if they are adults who lack capacity. You may be asked to provide information from the medical records of patients who are incapable of giving consent, are aged under 16, or have died. This factsheet gives you further information about dealing with these circumstances.

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Factsheet 30/09/2015

The Procurator Fiscal and Fatal Accident Inquiries - Scotland

The Procurator Fiscal and Fatal Accident Inquiries - Scotland

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If a death occurs in a violent or unnatural manner, in custody, or suddenly but without certain cause, the Procurator Fiscal has a duty to inquire into the death. This factsheet sets out the role of the Procurator Fiscal, the reporting process and what will happen once you have reported a death to the Procurator Fiscal.

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News and updates 29/09/2015

GMC introduces indemnity requirement

GMC introduces indemnity requirement

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Throughout this month the GMC will be contacting doctors to inform them of a new statutory requirement to maintain adequate and appropriate indemnity when practising medicine in the UK.

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Press release 08/09/2015

MPS appoints new Professional Services Executive Director

MPS appoints new Professional Services Executive Director

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MPS, the world’s leading protection organisation for doctors, dentists and healthcare professionals, has appointed Dr Pardeep Sandhu as the new Professional Services Executive Director.

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Factsheet 27/08/2015

Safeguarding adults - Wales

Safeguarding adults - Wales

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The Care Act (2014) sets out the framework for local authorities to use (alongside health and social services)to protect adults considered at risk from abuse or neglect.

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News and updates 26/08/2015

MPS advice in relation to contact from Messrs BLM

MPS advice in relation to contact from Messrs BLM

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A number of MPS members have contacted us as they have received letters from a firm of solicitors, Messrs BLM, in relation to expert work carried out on behalf of the National Health Service Litigation Authority (NHSLA).

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Press release 06/08/2015

MPS responds to Professional Standards Authority's report on Rethinki...

MPS responds to Professional Standards Authority's report on Rethinking Regulation

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In response to the Professional Standards Agency’s report on ‘Rethinking regulation’, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Senior Medicolegal Adviser at MPS said:

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Press release 21/07/2015

NHS LA triennial report: Action needed to drive down cost of clinical...

NHS LA triennial report: Action needed to drive down cost of clinical negligence, says MPS

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NHS LA triennial report: Action needed to drive down cost of clinical negligence, says MPS In response to the Department of Health’s triennial review of the NHS Litigation Authority (NHSLA), the Medical Protection Society (MPS) is pleased that the cost of clinical negligence is recognised as an issue but wants to see a debate on the merits of a limit on future earnings and future care costs

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Press release 20/07/2015

NHS liabilities of £28.3bn are unaffordable, reform needed says MPS

NHS liabilities of £28.3bn are unaffordable, reform needed says MPS

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In response to the NHS LA’s estimates that £28.3bn will be needed to cover known and future claims for clinical negligence for past patient care – up by 10% on last year – the Medical Protection Society (MPS) urges the government to prioritise reform of the legal system.

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Press release 16/07/2015

85% of doctors have experienced mental health issues, reveals Medical...

85% of doctors have experienced mental health issues, reveals Medical Protection survey

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A Medical Protection survey of more than 600 UK members reveals that 85% have experienced mental health issues, with common issues being stress (75%), anxiety (49%) and low self-esteem (36%).

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Factsheet 16/07/2015

Making audio and visual recordings of patients

Making audio and visual recordings of patients

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Making and using audio and visual recordings of patients can benefit medical training, research and treatment. However, it poses risks for doctors regarding consent and confidentiality. In addition, all recordings from which living individuals can be identified constitute personal data and are subject to the provisions of the Data Protection Act.

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Factsheet 14/07/2015

Reporting deaths to the Coroner - Northern Ireland

Reporting deaths to the Coroner - Northern Ireland

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If a death occurs in a violent or unnatural manner, in custody, or suddenly but without certain cause, a coroner has a duty to enquire into the death. This factsheet sets out the role of a coroner, the reporting process and what will happen once you have reported a death to the coroner.

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Factsheet 01/07/2015

Confidentiality – Disclosures relating to patients unable to consent...

Confidentiality – Disclosures relating to patients unable to consent - Northern Ireland

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You owe a duty of confidentiality to all your patients, past or present, even if they are adults who lack capacity. You may be asked to provide information from the medical records of patients who are incapable of giving consent, are aged under 18, or have died. This factsheet gives you further information about dealing with these circumstances.

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Press release 28/06/2015

MPS supports the Government’s plans to cap excessive legal fees

MPS supports the Government’s plans to cap excessive legal fees

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Responding to the Department of Health’s announcement that it plans to cap excessive legal fees for clinical negligence claims, Emma Hallinan, Director of Claims and Litigation, Medical Protection Society said...

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Articles and features 24/06/2015

How to... manage stress

How to... manage stress

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Research shows that only one in three doctors would see their GP when unwell. There is an enormous pressure on medics not to give in to ill health. Dr Samar Mahmood explores how to avoid the negative effects of stress

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