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News, Policy and Media Updates
Articles and features 02/11/2017

The risks of practice nursing

The risks of practice nursing

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Medical Protection has seen a steady rise in the number of claims involving practice nurses. Kate Taylor and Diane Baylis, Clinical Risk and Education Managers, examine what areas of practice nursing carry the most risk.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

Q&A with an MLA

Q&A with an MLA

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Editor-in-Chief and MLA (medicolegal adviser) Dr Rachel Birch answers some recent queries from practices.

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Articles and features 02/11/2017

Risk Warning: test result management

Risk Warning: test result management

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Data from the NHS National Reporting and Learning System shows that more than 800 reported patient safety incidents relate to test result management.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - Missed critical limb ischaemia

Case study - Missed critical limb ischaemia

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Mr S was a 60-year-old lorry driver. He was overweight and smoked, and couldn’t walk far because he suffered with pain in his calves. This became so severe that he attended the out-of-hours service that evening.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - An early presentation

Case study - An early presentation

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Baby T was eight weeks old when his mother brought him to his GP’s morning surgery.

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Articles and features 24/10/2017

Case study - Cauda Equina Syndrome

Case study - Cauda Equina Syndrome

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When Mrs C, a keen golfer in her early 40s, began to experience constant pain in her lower back, she consulted a GP at her local surgery.

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News and updates 23/10/2017

Making an informed choice: MPS response to Department of Health state...

Making an informed choice: MPS response to Department of Health statement

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Our approach is to make considered decisions that protect the long term interests of GP members, rather than making rash decisions that could have a long-lasting and detrimental impact on members.

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News and updates 30/08/2017

Changes to scheduled and unscheduled care

Changes to scheduled and unscheduled care

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Following feedback from you, we are pleased to announce some changes to how we set our GP membership subscriptions.

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Articles and features 29/08/2017

Rising nurse claims

Rising nurse claims

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MPS has seen a steady rise in the number of claims involving practice nurses, with ‘delay in diagnosis’ being the most common type of claim. Kate Taylor, Clinical Risk Manager, MPS Educational Services, reveals more

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Articles and features 25/08/2017

Day in the life of… Dr Pixie McKenna

Day in the life of… Dr Pixie McKenna

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I wake up bolt upright at 5.30am. I look in the mirror and realise I’ve inadvertently left my false eyelashes on from the previous day’s telly. They hang rather precariously from my upper lids – my mascara is half way down my cheeks and my hair is doing a good impersonation of Jedward. My husband rolls over and states that I look like a drag queen and promptly falls back to sleep.

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Articles and features 25/08/2017

General confidentiality principles as advised by medical defence orga...

General confidentiality principles as advised by medical defence organisations

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All doctors know that maintaining confidentiality is an important part of building up trust with patients. Here, Dr Stephanie Bown examines the medicolegal aspects of confidentiality

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News and updates 01/08/2017

Provision of medicolegal reports/acting as a medicolegal expert

Provision of medicolegal reports/acting as a medicolegal expert

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If you are a doctor and want to practise medicine in the UK, you need to hold GMC registration with a licence to practise. Given this requirement, we have carefully considered the appropriate criteria we require of members who produce medicolegal reports and/or act as a medicolegal expert.

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Factsheet 06/07/2017

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

Duty of candour for GPs and dental practitioners - England

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The duty, which was introduced by the government through regulation 20 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014, applies to NHS organisations such as trusts and foundation trusts, to secondary care clinicians, and to bodies including GP practices, dental practices and care homes.

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

Expert advice to avoid claims and complaints

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We can provide you with expert advice on a wide range of topic areas, doctor to doctor, over the phone, via email or through our extensive online resources.

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Articles and features 03/07/2017

Supporting you with your professional assessments

Supporting you with your professional assessments

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We understand that your primary focus during your training is to pass all elements of the MRCGP assessments, therefore we can provide you with additional benefits to help improve your performance in consultation and support your preparation for your exams.

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News and updates 30/06/2017

Olympic Games 2016

Olympic Games 2016

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The Olympic Games is a major event in the world’s sporting and cultural calendar. Almost inevitably, a number of Medical Protection members may be travelling to Brazil to attend the Rio do Janeiro Games.

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News and updates 30/06/2017 – MPS advice to members – MPS advice to members

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The programme that was due to be rolled out in 2014 was delayed following criticism of the way the information campaign supporting it was implemented.

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