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Complaints: threat or opportunity?

Complaints: threat or opportunity?

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Vanessa Perrott, Medical Protection’s Head of Education Development and Delivery, examines how complaints can be used as a learning tool

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Reflection: realities and risks

Reflection: realities and risks

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The importance of lifelong learning in medicine is well-recognised. Dr Vanessa Perrott, Head of Education and Delivery, and Dr Karen Ellison, Medicolegal Adviser, discuss reflective practice as part of this process

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Impact of the Personal Injury Discount Rate change on GPs

Impact of the Personal Injury Discount Rate change on GPs

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We are extremely disappointed and concerned by the decision to reduce the Personal Injury Discount Rate so significantly. This decision will increase the cost of settling future loss claims against our members at a time when the cost of clinical negligence is already at a worryingly high level.

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GP Indemnity Support Scheme

GP Indemnity Support Scheme

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NHS England has announced a scheme to help GPs cover the cost of their professional protection for the next two years. The money is being paid directly to practices and the first payment has already been made. Read below for details on NHS England's scheme.

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Articles and features 15/03/2017

Dealing with complaints

Dealing with complaints

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Kirsty Plowman considers how complaints can affect you and offers tips for tackling any you may receive

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Press release 14/02/2017

1 in 10 doctors offered Valentines card or gift from patient

1 in 10 doctors offered Valentines card or gift from patient

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Around 10% of doctors and consultants in the UK (1 in 10) say they have been offered a Valentine’s Day card or gift from a patient during their career, according to a survey by a leading medical protection organisation.

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Articles and features 24/12/2016

The healing power of saying “sorry” in healthcare

The healing power of saying “sorry” in healthcare

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If I accidentally bump into someone and hurt them walking along the street, my immediate reaction is to say sorry, regardless of whether it was or wasn’t my fault. What happens when we place a similar analogy into a doctor/patient context?

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Top 5 apps for 2017

Top 5 apps for 2017

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Dr Saba Tabish, an FY2 doctor in Wolverhampton, reviews five of the best apps for foundation doctors.

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Four months in

Four months in

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Dr Peter Logan, an FY1 doctor working in the Midlands, reflects on the start of his journey as a foundation doctor.

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Articles and features 13/12/2016

How do I reflect effectively?

How do I reflect effectively?

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Dr Mark Dinwoodie, Director of Education at Medical Protection, discusses the importance of reflection and Dr Ayaz Khalid, a foundation doctor, shares his top tips for reflective practice

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Press release 09/12/2016

Medical Protection partners with Isle of Wight GP Federation

Medical Protection partners with Isle of Wight GP Federation

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Medical Protection and One Wight Health Limited (OWHL) GP Federation have formed a partnership offering GP practices access to advice, support, educational programmes and workshops that will help them meet local healthcare needs

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Mandatory reporting - should doctors be policing our communities?

Mandatory reporting - should doctors be policing our communities?

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Trust sits at the heart of the doctor-patient relationship – it is fundamental. I for one have discussed issues with my GP which I would never dream of discussing with friends and family, and as a doctor myself, have been at the receiving end of equally personal and confidential information from patients.

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Press release 27/10/2016

Commenting on the GMC’s State of Medical Education and Practice in th...

Commenting on the GMC’s State of Medical Education and Practice in the UK report

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The GMC is right to acknowledge the 'state of unease in the profession’- patient expectations are changing and GPs are more likely to be sued now than ever before. It is important to strike a balance between holding doctors to account and reducing unnecessary pressures.

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News and updates 17/10/2016

Risk alert: Advice on administering flu vaccinations

Risk alert: Advice on administering flu vaccinations

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Several members have contacted us with queries regarding flu vaccinations; primarily which practice colleagues can administer these, and what safeguarding should be in place if so.

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Articles and features 17/10/2016

'Dr Google' in the patient chair

'Dr Google' in the patient chair

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There is no escaping the fact that ‘Dr Google’ is becoming more and more influential in GP consultations. At Medical Protection, we commissioned a YouGov online survey of 2021 British adults to look at the pros and cons of seeking medical advice from the internet.

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Challenging the GMC

Challenging the GMC

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Medical Protection is calling on the GMC to halt plans to expand their register.

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News and updates 14/10/2016

Delays on applications to the National Performers List

Delays on applications to the National Performers List

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We are aware that some members who have recently qualified as GPs are experiencing delays in their application to have their status amended on the National Performers List. This is leading to some confusion as to whether they can continue to work while waiting for their status to be changed.

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Press release 13/10/2016

Almost one in two (47%) use ‘Dr Google’ before GP consultations

Almost one in two (47%) use ‘Dr Google’ before GP consultations

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A YouGov online survey has revealed that almost half of the public (47%) has searched online for their symptoms and / or possible diagnosis before visiting their GP.

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