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Articles and features 19/11/2020

Storing images in medical records

Storing images in medical records

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The receipt and storage of images of patients is currently a common source of queries from our members, largely due to the increased use of remote consultations during the COVID-19 pandemic. Ayisha Hooper, Case Manager at Medical Protection, reviews the relevant guidance.​

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Press release 18/11/2020

1 in 3 doctors have suffered verbal or physical abuse during Covid-19

1 in 3 doctors have suffered verbal or physical abuse during Covid-19

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Over a third (35%) of healthcare professionals say they have suffered verbal or physical abuse from patients, or patients’ relatives during Covid-19, according to a survey by Medical Protection.

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Case report 13/11/2020

Alleged failure to investigate chest pain

Alleged failure to investigate chest pain

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A GP faces a clinical negligence claim on the grounds of failure to undertake cardiac-related investigations. This case report looks at how MPS successfully sought mediation as an alternative form of dispute resolution, avoiding formal court proceedings.

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Case report 13/11/2020

Delayed diagnosis of renal disease leads to claim

Delayed diagnosis of renal disease leads to claim

Time to read article: 6 mins
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Patient facing kidney transplant or lifelong dialysis makes a negligence claim against GPs and hospital following delayed referral to nephrology and failure to recognise her underlying renal condition. This case report looks at where clinicians went wrong, and explains how MPS managed to settle the case for a moderate sum that was substantially less than the original request.

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Articles and features 13/10/2020

Flu vaccines: managing clinics in the COVID-19 era

Flu vaccines: managing clinics in the COVID-19 era

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Brian Caldwell-White, Case Manager at Medical Protection, and Dr Emma Davies, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, look at the various considerations when controlling risk during this year’s flu vaccination programme

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Articles and features 08/10/2020

Locums in the time of COVID-19

Locums in the time of COVID-19

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Dr Sophie Haroon, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, looks at how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the work of locums

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Press release 08/10/2020

Public must be reassured that NHS is safe and open

Public must be reassured that NHS is safe and open

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Medical Protection urges the Government to strike a balance in its messaging to ensure the public know the NHS is safe and open to those who need medical attention for issues not related to Covid-19.

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Articles and features 22/09/2020

COVID-19: when parents refuse to comply with guidance

COVID-19: when parents refuse to comply with guidance

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Medical Protection has received a number of calls from members asking how they should respond to parents of children with COVID-19 symptoms who are openly refusing to comply with government guidance on testing and self-isolation. Dr Clare Devlin, Medicolegal Consultant at Medical Protection, provides detailed advice

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Press release 16/09/2020

Medical Protection comments on GMC advice regarding Covid-19 complaints

Medical Protection comments on GMC advice regarding Covid-19 complaints

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The GMC has issued guidance to its staff setting out how to take the Covid-19 context into account when considering complaints against doctors. Dr Rob Hendry, Medical Director, comments.

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Articles and features 16/09/2020

COVID-19: Delayed referrals and medicolegal disputes

COVID-19: Delayed referrals and medicolegal disputes

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Dr James Thorpe, Senior Medical Educator at Medical Protection, looks at why the UK Government should prioritise the clearing of referrals backlogs due to COVID-19

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Press release 07/08/2020

Government faces call to make face masks mandatory in healthcare sett...

Government faces call to make face masks mandatory in healthcare settings, as laws extend to cinemas and churches

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Medical Protection are calling on the UK Government to make face masks mandatory in healthcare settings, as laws extends to cinemas and churches

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Press release 30/07/2020

NHS people plan welcomed, but Government funding needed to deliver on...

NHS people plan welcomed, but Government funding needed to deliver on wellbeing initiatives

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Medicolegal Lead, Risk Prevention, shares her comments on the launch of the new NHS People Plan setting out mental wellbeing initiatives.

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Press release 30/07/2020

Benefit of remote consultations is unquestionable, but challenges mus...

Benefit of remote consultations is unquestionable, but challenges must be considered

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, Medicolegal Lead, Risk Prevention, shares her comments on the Health Secretary’s call for all NHS consultations to be conducted online.

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Press release 28/07/2020

Top lawyer Geoff Jones to head up member support division at Medical...

Top lawyer Geoff Jones to head up member support division at Medical Protection Society

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The Medical Protection Society (MPS) has announced the appointment of Geoff Jones as Executive Director of its Member Protection and Support division.

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Articles and features 09/07/2020

Can I provide antibody tests for my practice staff?

Can I provide antibody tests for my practice staff?

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Kate Cowan, case manager at Medical Protection, looks at some recent queries from GP practices on whether they can provide COVID-19 antibody tests to practice staff

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Articles and features 01/07/2020

When a patient wants to amend their medical records

When a patient wants to amend their medical records

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Dr Jayne Molodynski, medicolegal consultant at Medical Protection, provides advice and guidance on whether a patient can request amends to their medical records

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Press release 22/06/2020

Plan mental wellbeing support now to avoid exodus of doctors after Co...

Plan mental wellbeing support now to avoid exodus of doctors after Covid-19

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The Government, NHS and private healthcare providers must plan now for the mental wellbeing support doctors will need following the Covid-19 pandemic, if we are to avoid huge swathes either leaving the profession or suffering in silence with psychological injuries, says Medical Protection.

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