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Publications, Case Reports and Resources
Case report 16/12/2019

Supreme Court judgement following head injury - learning points for m...

Supreme Court judgement following head injury - learning points for medical professionals

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It is very unusual for a clinical negligence claim to reach the highest reaches of the court system. Rarer still are cases involving non-clinical staff such as receptionists. Dr James Lucas, medicolegal consultant, discusses such a case that was recently considered by the Supreme Court and extracts potential learning points for practices.1

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Case report 11/10/2019

A retained swab

A retained swab

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Basic safety checks were overlooked in this incident, which saw a claim against a consultant gynaecologist.

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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

Location: Various (Read more for further details)
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Building resilience and avoiding burnout

The demand placed on modern clinicians means the possibility of burnout is growing significantly, impacting both the quality of care and potential increase in risk to patients. This workshop will help you recognise the signs of burnout and give you the knowledge and confidence to manage the symptoms to recover as well as prevent reoccurrence.

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Articles and features 04/09/2019

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

Presumed consent for organ donation: what’s changing where?

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In a recent Medical Protection survey almost a third of doctors questioned were not comfortable discussing organ donation with a patient. With different laws across the UK and further changes imminent, this is maybe not surprising

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Articles and features 29/08/2019

Should I report that my patient is unfit to drive?

Should I report that my patient is unfit to drive?

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Medical Protection advice line often receives queries from doctors concerned about patients that are driving whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Kate Cowan, advisory case manager, shares our advice.

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Articles and features 16/08/2019

Can your practice staff also be your patients?

Can your practice staff also be your patients?

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Situations where a doctor is both an employer and the treating clinician of a patient are problematic and should be avoided. Sarah Pickering, advisory case manager at Medical Protection, looks at a recent query from the advice line

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