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Factsheet 01/09/2012

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Northern Ireland

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Northern Ireland

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Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should make sure that, if sensitive information needs to be sent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.

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Casebook 01/09/2012

Fairness to all: A look at Membership Governance

Fairness to all: A look at Membership Governance

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Many members of MPS will have very few medicolegal cases in the course of their career. But what happens to those who need assistance rather more frequently? Sarah Whitehouse finds out more.

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Factsheet 01/09/2012

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Wales

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Wales

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Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should make sure that if sensitive information needs to besent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.

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Factsheet 01/09/2012

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Scotland

Communicating with patients by fax and email - Scotland

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Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should make sure that, if sensitive information needs to be sent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.

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Articles and features 04/08/2012

GMC launches new tribunal service for UK doctors

GMC launches new tribunal service for UK doctors

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A new tribunal service to decide on the fitness to practise of UK doctors was launched on 11 June, in the biggest shake up of medical regulation in the United Kingdom since the formation of the General Medical Council more than 150 years ago.

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Factsheet 01/08/2012

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Best interests tests - England and Wales

Mental Capacity Act 2005 - Best interests tests - England and Wales

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The best interests principle in the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (the Act) states that any act done or decision made on behalf of an adult lacking capacity must be in their best interests. This can cover financial, health and social care decisions.

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Factsheet 01/07/2012

Parental responsibility

Parental responsibility

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Parental responsibility refers to the rights and responsibilities that most parents have in respect of their children. This factsheet gives advice on who has parental responsibility and where responsibility lies in situations in which there are disagreements over the best interests of the child.

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Casebook 01/05/2012

MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing

MPS Opinion: Spreading the use of HIV testing

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Late diagnosis of HIV in adults continues to be an important issue in the UK but for too long it has been absent from healthcare’s topical agenda. With national audit data showing that 24% of deaths of HIV-positive adults in the UK in 2006 were due to a diagnosis of HIV being made too late for effective treatment,1 and further data showing that around one third of all HIV infections in UK adults remain undiagnosed, and approximately 25% of newly-diagnosed individuals have a CD4 count of less than 200 – an indicator of late diagnosis – there is clearly a lack of timely opportunity to improve early diagnosis.

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Factsheet 10/01/2011

Parental responsibility - Scotland

Parental responsibility - Scotland

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Parental responsibility refers to the rights and responsibilities that most parents have in respect of their children. This factsheet gives advice on who has parental responsibility and where responsibility lies in situations in which there are disagreements over the best interests of the child.

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Articles and features 07/11/2009

Being open

Being open

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Never underestimate the power of saying sorry when mistakes are made, says Dr Stephanie Bown, MPS Director of Policy and Communications.

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