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Publications, Case Reports and Resources

Care in the community

Care in the community

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One of the biggest risks in treating elderly patients in nursing homes is communication. Dr Rachel Birch, a sessional GP and MPS medicolegal adviser, reviews a case where communication failure led to patient harm. she then answers typical medicolegal queries around community care

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Factsheet 04/11/2014

Removal of medical equipment after death - Wales

Removal of medical equipment after death - Wales

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If a patient dies and the death is reportable to the coroner, you should leave all equipment in place until you have discussed the case with the coroner’s officer. This factsheet gives you further information about what to do.

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Factsheet 03/11/2014

Removal of medical equipment after death - England

Removal of medical equipment after death - England

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If a patient dies and the death is reportable to the coroner, you should leave all equipment in place until you have discussed the case with the coroner’s officer. This factsheet gives you further information about what to do.

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Factsheet 03/11/2014

Communicating with patients by fax and email - England

Communicating with patients by fax and email - England

Time to read article: 3 mins
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Electronic communication can provide a useful and alternative point of access for patients. However, you should ensure that, if sensitive information needs to be sent electronically, safeguards are in place to avoid breaching patient confidentiality. This factsheet sets out the potential risks of electronic communication.

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Factsheet 01/10/2014

Safeguarding children FAQs - Scotland

Safeguarding children FAQs - Scotland

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The GMC states that “doctors play a crucial role in protecting children from abuse and neglect”. Child maltreatment includes neglect and physical, sexual and emotional abuse. The following frequently asked questions are designed to advise MPS members what to do and who to contact, should they suspect children are at risk of, or are experiencing, harm.

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Factsheet 01/10/2014

Safeguarding children - Northern Ireland

Safeguarding children - Northern Ireland

Time to read article: 4 mins
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Doctors play a crucial role in protecting children from abuse and neglect. Surgery consultations, home visits, emergency department admissions and contact with other professionals who work with children help to build up a picture of a child’s situation. This factsheet is designed to help members know how to act and who to contact when they suspect children are at risk of or are experiencing harm.

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Factsheet 01/10/2014

Controlled drugs - Scotland

Controlled drugs - Scotland

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Under the Misuse of Drugs Act (1971) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (2001), GPs have a responsibility for controlled drugs (CDs) within their practice. This factsheet highlights what you should be aware of when carrying, storing and recording controlled drugs.

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Preparing for a nightshift

Preparing for a nightshift

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Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, MPS medicolegal adviser, gives junior doctors guidance on the best way to prepare for a night shift. She explains what they need before, during and after to ensure the shift runs smoothly.

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Communicating with patients by text message - Northern Ireland

Communicating with patients by text message - Northern Ireland

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Text messaging allows practices to target and contact hundreds of patients within minutes. Patients can respond by text with replies automatically forwarded to a specified email address. Many practices are signing up to using a text messaging service to inform patients of appointments, flu vaccinations etc.

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Articles and features 08/08/2014

Will a new approach to patients near the end of life suffer the same...

Will a new approach to patients near the end of life suffer the same fate as the Liverpool Care Pathway?

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Medicolegal expert and MPS spokesperson, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, questions the new approach to end of life care outlined by the government.

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Articles and features 14/07/2014

How to handle attention from the media

How to handle attention from the media

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Medicolegal adviser and MPS spokesperson, Dr Pallavi Bradshaw, outlines the various tactics employed by the press and what to do if you become involved in a media story.

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The Clinical Communication Programme (CCP)

Location: in-house and residential (Read more for further details)
Time to read article: 1 mins
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The Clinical Communication Programme (CCP)

A highly intensive interpersonal skills training programme which greatly enhances doctor-patient communication and creates significant behavioural and attitudinal change.

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Factsheet 01/07/2014

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Northern Ireland

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) - Northern Ireland

Time to read article: 2 mins
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Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) has been a criminal offence in the UK since 1985 and the legislation was re-enacted in the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003. Five official reports on the subject have been published since November 2013 and MPS has produced this guidance for members.

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